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Kaffeine crash - solved

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    Kaffeine crash - solved

    Kaffeine seems to crash often when I exit Kaffeine, after playing a DVD. It also crashes sometimes during DVD playback. It doesn't crash when playing AVI, WMV, etc. I'm running version 0.7.1, the default version for Dapper.

    Finally found a deb package for Kaffeine 0.8.2. I uninstalled 0.7.1, then installed 0.8.2, then reinstinalled the kaffeine-xine package. No more crashes at all.
    Last edited by Snowhog; Sep 08, 2019, 12:33 PM.

    Re: Kaffeine crash

    You could try to upgrade to the 0.8.1.

    Kaffeine home ( says: "Current stable version: 0.8.1 ". It's also in the repositories.

    Kaffeine bugs ( -> bugs) says:

    kaffeine crashes after played a video. Suse 10.1 with updates from smart.
    Maybe same (known?) problem ?

    I haven't noticed crash problems with this (0.8.1) version.
    Before you edit, BACKUP !

    Why there are dead links ?
    1. Thread: Please explain how to access old kubuntu forum posts
    2. Thread: Lost Information


      Re: Kaffeine crash

      Actually, I've discovered that Kaffeine crashes not just on exit...It also ocassionally crashes during DVD playback. The crash always results in a signal 11 message popup. However, it will not crash if I play other media formats.

      I'm reluctant to upgrade to 0.8.1 because I already have all the non-free packages installed. I've read that upgrading will cause problems with dependancies. Also, I haven't found it in the repositories and I'd rather try a package first before I compile the sourcecode.


        Re: Kaffeine crash

        Also, I haven't found it in the repositories
        Info from repositories:
        Version: 0.7.1-1.3ubuntu10 and
        Version: 0.8.1-3ubuntu3~dapper1

        Check that you have all repositories enabled.

        Info from kaffeine home:
        Kaffeine 0.8.2 released 08. September 2006

        Before you edit, BACKUP !

        Why there are dead links ?
        1. Thread: Please explain how to access old kubuntu forum posts
        2. Thread: Lost Information


          Re: Kaffeine crash

          Info from repositories:
          Version: 0.7.1-1.3ubuntu10 and
          Version: 0.8.1-3ubuntu3~dapper1

          Check that you have all repositories enabled.

          Info from kaffeine home:
          Kaffeine 0.8.2 released 08. September 2006
          I thought I had the crash problem solved but apparently, I don't. I'm still using Kaffeine 0.7.1.

          I have all the main, resistricted, universe, multiverse, security, update and backports enabled but 0.8.1 does not show up. Are you using Dapper or Edgy? What version of KDE? Where is 0.8.1?


            Re: Kaffeine crash

            Finally found a deb package for Kaffeine 0.8.2. I uninstalled 0.7.1, then installed 0.8.2, then reinstinalled the kaffeine-xine package. No more crashes at all

