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Sync Palm Treo 650 via KPilot won´t work

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    Sync Palm Treo 650 via KPilot won´t work


    I would like to know, if someone could give me a good description how to manage to sync my new Palm Treo 650 via KPilot.

    I tried to do it via Bluetooth. I am using Dapper. The USB Bluetooth device was up and running in Kbluetoothd. I was even able to sent files to the phone.
    But not working in Kpilot.

    So I tried to manage it via USB. If I tail messagelog, the Palm will connect to ttyUSB0 and ttyUSB1 and there will appear a sym link to /dev/pilot.
    But still no syncing.

    What can I do? Any help? Please.


    Re: Sync Palm Treo 650 via KPilot won´t work

    I have my Treo 650 working via Bluetooth syncing with kpilot - kmail kabc etc...

    I had to create a script to get to work.... KPilot seems buggy tough it worked ok with hoary but getting stuck on Dapper. I must admit that I did my original setup in hoary ad copied the dsettings accross but it does work on ond off.

    Here is my script on Dapper

    dund --nodetach --listen --persist --msdun call dun
    You should then use net:any as your connection in kpilot. On the Treo I had to setup sync via network there were also a couple of IP's to set etc.... instead of rewriting the howto here is the link I used. Let me know if you get stuck

    Best of luck and hope you ge tit working....

    I found a tutorial that I followed with a couple of variations that worked....


      Re: Sync Palm Treo 650 via KPilot won´t work

      Dear Lorenco.

      Great stuff. Thanks a lot. I will try these howtos next week since I am having no bluetooth dongle right now.

      But I am really looking forward to try it.

      Thanks a bunch. I will post the outcome.


        Re: Sync Palm Treo 650 via KPilot won´t work

        You might want to check out the Kpilot home page/hardware forum. I found this listed in regard to Treo 650: "I have tested the Treo 650 synchronization with Kpilot on SuSE Linux Professional 9.3. It seems OK - works fine. Kernel version: Kpilot version: KPilot 4.5.0 (baby) (Reported by Milan Hejpetr)
        the Treo 650 synced out-of-the-box with Mandriva Linux 2005 LE (10.2). It worked on a variety of USB ports and was auto-detected by the daemon as soon as HotSync was pressed on the GUI or the cable. (Reported by Chris Steinbeck)" -(For what it's worth...)


          Re: Sync Palm Treo 650 via KPilot won´t work

          @ padlan:
          Kpilot Homepage also said: "Some versions of the Linux kernel do better with USB devices -- PalmOS devices in particular -- than others. 2.6.15 has been reported to cause difficulties in Kubuntu, while 2.6.17 is just fine."
          So it sees I have a kernel Problem with Dapper.

          Today I got my USB Bluetooth Dongle fresh from the shop. A Belkin. Looks good, sharing files both directions woks fine.
          So I tried the How To from your link, which is, as I understood, making a network connection from desktop to Treo via PPP. I did as it was said, but when I press syncing button on treo I only ended up in the kbtserialchat, which was curiously on channel 5.
          I did in fact bring my KpilotD to crash.

          So I tried another How To from here:
          Which is making up a connection over bluetooth network from your treo to your desktop.
          But that hasn´t woked out either. Treo does not receive any files in the browser, nor does it sync.

          I am stuck. You have it running? A Treo 650 syncing over Bluetooth on a Dapper Kubuntu?
          Do you have these file?:
          Do you connect as user or as root?



            Re: Sync Palm Treo 650 via KPilot won´t work

            I got it! I finally got it.
            I made it just the way the how to said, but I havent got a connection so far.
            Until some days ago. You like to know what was wrong?
            I had a software Firewall running. That kept my Treo away from being in my network.
            Soo stupid

            Everything now works fine.
            Thanks to all.
            If anybody has the same Problems like I had, I would be glad to be helpful. Just post a message.

