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Kubuntu vs. Palm M500

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    Kubuntu vs. Palm M500

    I'm an old newbie and not a techie. With encouragement from now-absent expert, started yesterday running Kubuntu 6.06 LTS Dapper Drake. I'm long Palm-dependent using the old M500, but find I can't sync using either kpilot or jpilot. Poking around on the web I found reference to gnome-pilot which I downloaded and installed (I think) but cannot get to start or run. Can anyone lay out some really simple steps that might help me get Kubuntu and the Palm to start talking to each other? Any help appreciated.

    Re: Kubuntu vs. Palm M500

    I had a Palm Tungsten T5 working under Breezy, but I have not been able to get it to work under Dapper. From what I understand there's a kernel bug preventing many (but not all) from getting proper syncing working. Either way, in my experience w/ both gnome-pilot and kpilot, kpilot is the more reliable program. Have you added the udev rule yet?

    kdesu kwrite /etc/udev/rules.d/10-custom.rules
    add the following line:

    BUS="usb", SYSFS{product}="Palm Handheld*", KERNEL="ttyUSB*", NAME{ignore_remove}="pilot", MODE="666"
    Save and close the file. I would then reboot, and try a sync w/ either gnome-pilot or kpilot. Note, some of the newer models are "palmOne*" instead of "Palm Handheld*" above. If you go to device manager w/ the palm plugged in, it should be listed under the product ID section.


      Re: Kubuntu vs. Palm M500

      I am said "absent expert" in OP's post.

      I am no expert, but I have fooled around with Palm-like devices and such through many iterations of both Linux and Palms.

      If I read you correctly, Emerzen, the udev rule should essentially be used to set permissions on the device when it is created (0666 in this case). I have done that on my own boxes, but not copecetic's. I did check for read permissions on /dev/ttyUSB0 and /dev/ttyUSB1 and all was well. During a sync I even tried to cat the device to console, but it wasn't streaming any data.

      I can look into the udev thing, but the kernel bug sounds more dire. Has anyone else had problems syncing under dapper? Now that I think about it, I don't think I've been able to sync my Zire 31 since upgrading from breezy...

      Anyone know if this bug is on


        Re: Kubuntu vs. Palm M500

        Sorry for quick reply to myself...a quick search reveals one other post in these forums, with a possible fix. I can't test it right now, but it might get you up and running with Kpilot.


          Re: Kubuntu vs. Palm M500

          "Absent Expert"...that would be a great name for a band. Anyway, I've tried so many iterations of trying to get my palm working in Dapper, that I find myself repeating different steps. I did try several different speed settings, none of which made a difference. If you search the Ubuntu forums, you'll see a lot of posts regarding this. I had added my 2cents on a bug report about this during Dapper's testing phase. As I sync at work, I'm not too concerned about it at home (just a backup), so I lost motivation awhile ago regarding it. In fact, my Tungsten and my external TV card are the only reasons I keep a dual boot partition. I'm looking forward to the day I can free up that space, or buy an internal card.

          Anyway, I'm d/l Edgy Knot 2 right now, and I'll let you know if it's any better going w/ the new kernel.


            Re: Kubuntu vs. Palm M500

            I've got a Palm Tungsten E. I tried K-Pilot, and I've found that J-Pilot works better for me. It's not as flexible nor deso it have as many features as K-Pilot, but it works.

            But it's really weird: neither of them work very well on my Toshiba laptop, but J-Pilot is flawless on my Compaq laptop.

            J-Pilot is in the repositories.


              Re: Kubuntu vs. Palm M500

              I've tried changing the settings as Imiliano suggested in the post referenced by rpdillon (“absent expert”): “It was simply a matter of setting: Settings -> Configure KPilot -> Device -> Speed = 9600”
              My speed was already set to 9600.
              I ran this on both /dev/ttyUSB1 and /dev/ttyUSB0.
              Here is one of the logs:
              Version: KPilot 4.6.0 (blivit)
              Version: pilot-link 0.11.8
              Version: KDE 3.5.2
              Version: Qt 3.3.6

              HotSync Log

              20:30:24 Starting the KPilot daemon ...
              20:30:24 Daemon status is `not running'
              20:30:24 Pilot device /dev/ttyUSB1 does not exist. Probably it is a USB device and will appear during a HotSync.
              20:30:32 Next sync will be a regular HotSync. Please press the HotSync button.
              20:30:32 Next HotSync will be: HotSync. Please press the HotSync button.
              20:30:41 Device link ready.
              20:31:42 Unable to read system information from Pilot

              Thanks to all of you for the time, effort and information. It is helpful to know that others more experienced than I are having similar problems and have found no uniform fix. Special thanks to rpdillon for reasons he will understand.


                Re: Kubuntu vs. Palm M500

                Hi. For what it's worth, I am totally new to Kubuntu but have used Linspire for several years. I just installed Kubuntu (Dapper) on my second laptop (Averatec), enabled 'universal' on Adept so that I could install JPilot, which I find way better than KPilot and always used on Linspire. Once installed on the laptop, I then put this in the settings for my Palm m-515: /dev/ttyUSB1, then proceded to sync and everything worked perfectly: it loaded all the data stored on the PDA. I then ran a back-up (perfect again), connected with Avantgo and that was smooth also.
                On Linspire with my other machine I found that I had to put the setting as: /dev/usb/tts/1 for JPilot to sync. Why the difference I don't know. BTW, I found good scoop on settings not on the JPilot website but on the KPilot website. Check it out if the settings I'm using don't work for you. Also the speed settings, AFAIK, are only relevant if you are connecting via serial port instead of usb.

