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Adept packaging system database conflict error

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    Adept packaging system database conflict error


    I'm getting this error when I try to load up Adept:

    "Another process is using the packaging system database (probably some other Adept application or apt-get or aptitude). Please close the other application before using this one."

    However, I don't have anything else running and I've restarted the computer but get the same error. Looking at the process list in System Guard I don't see any process that stand out as shouldn't be running, but I'm not sure what to look for... Any ideas?


    Re: Adept packaging system database conflict error

    Hello 6and9.42
    have you tried sudo dpkg --configure -a this seems to have helped nearly everyone with the same problem, including myself

    anost :-)


      Re: Adept packaging system database conflict error

      Worked perfect! Thanks for the help


        Re: Adept packaging system database conflict error

        Maybe someone with the necessary programming skill could add a big button to Adept called "fix" for use when this happens? I did file a bug report with that suggestion a while back, but like all things in life, someone has to find the time to do it, and I am not a GUI programmer.

        As you might guess, this happens to me about once a week, as I am still adding packages to my systems. It is only a minor irritation in an excellent system, but we do want Linux to be more attractive than Windoze to potential users, and every little bit of fixing and polishing helps.....

        Having said that, I have on my 64 bit machine got 4658 packages installed right now, in not much more space than a bare Vista OS installation, which is a fairly compelling reason to change.....

