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Quick "update" question

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    Quick "update" question

    Hello all:

    I'm sure this is just a simple fix, but I haven't out what to do yet. So here goes.

    I got the notification in my system tray that there were some updates last night and so I went ahead to see what they were. Two of the packages I had installed needed updating, and six more that I did not have installed were also listed as "updates".

    Well, I clicked to go ahead and install the updates, assuming it would update only those packages I had installed. Instead, even the new packages which I didn't want were installed as well.

    Is there a way to set the auto updater to notify & install, only those packages which I have installed? Or is it just a manual thing for the next time this happens?

    Nothing serious, I know...just a pet peeve.


    GPG Key ID# 0x3AE05130

    Re: Quick "update" question

    Well, I'm not sure how to change that behavior. But, did you search adept to make sure those packages weren't installed?


      Re: Quick "update" question

      The updates may install new packages in order to resolve dependencies, that is, an updated package would be needing another updated package that wasn't previously installed or needed. This behavior is normal. At least for "upgrade".

      (A dist-upgrade or Full Upgrade is slightly more complex, though).
      Jucato's Data Core


        Re: Quick "update" question

        Thanks for getting back to me. For the first poster, I defintely had to install Ruby and some other Ruby library, but the rest may have been what the second poster mentioned. It was just resolving dependencies for the updates.

        Sounds reasonable to me....

        Thanks again,

        GPG Key ID# 0x3AE05130

