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amarok downgrade

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    amarok downgrade

    After the update to amaroK 1.4.2, it can no longer build a collection without stalling out on hundreds of files on my samba share of my music files. 1.4.1 worked perfectly, and as long as the new version has this problem preventing me from building a collection database entirely, it's useless to me.

    I was hoping someone could explain to me the easiest way to roll back to version 1.4.1 from 1.4.2.

    Many thanks.

    Re: amarok downgrade

    Ugh. I just ran into that same problem with Fedora. I even tried compiling one of those SVN nightly builds. Its been posted on there forums and they actually escalated it up through. I compiled 1.4.2 from source on this machine here, using --enable-mysql as well, but I can't seem to get the database to populate.

    you can probably use
    sudo make uninstall
    then recompile 1.4.1 from source. Or, I know that Automatix contains 1.4.1 precompiled, you can try to uninstall it and then install it with Automatix.



      Re: amarok downgrade

      Ah, I just got this message over at the amaroK forums from Mark Kretschmann, one of the developers:

      There's a bug in 1.4.2 that makes the scanner stop after 2 crashes instead of 20. We're going to provide a patch for distro packagers to fix this.

      The fix is trivial:


        Re: amarok downgrade

        You and I have a lot of the same issues. Heh.



          Re: amarok downgrade

          Jesus, I've spent hours on this problem now with nothing to show for it. I even tried installing 1.4.1 from source, but even though it installed properly, it wouldn't run and didn't give any error message that would have given me a place to start troubleshooting, at least. So I just uninstalled it and reinstalled 1.4.2.

          This is getting very aggravating. My collection is just too damned large for me to lose this functionality altogether like this.

          Anyone got any advice?


            Re: amarok downgrade

            Heck yes,

            Seriously, in Fedora I changed that 2 to a 20 and it fixed it. My collection span's across 3 boxes, using nfs. Amarok would build a collection from each box alone, but not all 3 together after I upgraded. I had one problematic box. That same link you posted earlier fixed my problem.



              Re: amarok downgrade

              Thanks man! The thing is, I don't know where this line I should edit is "kept".

              Pretend I'm the relative noob I am and spell it out for me. Hehe.


                Re: amarok downgrade


                I finally got the new CVS build installed by using Amarok-svn:


                But even though it now only stalls out after 20 errors, I got 20 fricken errors! AAAAAAAAARGH! My collection has NOT changed since I was using version 1.4.1 perfectly fine, nor has anything about the machine or filesytem it's located on.


                This is probably the single most frustrating problem I've ever run across. I'm ready to tear my hair out.


                  Re: amarok downgrade

                  Heh. Get the source. ./configure amarok --enable-whatver_you_want
                  then make, then use Vi or Kate and find line 99

                  Change this:
                  static const uint MAX_RESTARTS = 2;

                  To this:
                  static const uint MAX_RESTARTS = 20;

                  Heh, don't feel bad. My mp3's are on an IDE drive in the same box, and I can't for the life of me change the permission of them (Windows files). I've tried just about everything, but it's a "read-only" filesystem...Grrrrrrrr!



                    Re: amarok downgrade

                    Unrelated but frustrating. Do you have an ipod? I've compiled amarok with ipod support. It mounts fine, amarok see's all my songs and podcasts, but I can't get my ipod to stop saying "Do Not Disconnect" for like 1 hour now. Suggestions?



                      Re: amarok downgrade

                      Well, I never did get 1.4.2 to build my collection, and I tried almost EVERYTHING.

                      I finally did get 1.4.1 reinstalled after wiping 1.4.2 completely from my system, including my database files. 1.4.1 is working fine, but ipod support was disabled during install for some reason, so I can't answer your question.

                      Thanks so much for your input.


                        Re: amarok downgrade

                        Of course NOW the amaroK icon on my kiba-dock is just a black box, even though it's okay in the KDE launcher and elsewhere.

                        Dammit, what a PITA this has been.


                          Re: amarok downgrade

                          My buddy bblood posted a go no frills reinstallation guide over at,12855.15.html which I see you've replied to. LOL. You just seem to find us on every board. Heh. I followed it and it went great. I use MySQL for the database. I followed his advice step by step, removing all of the amarok files, then droping my amarok db in MySQL. I then reinstalled from the source
                          ./configure --enable-mysql --libgpod
                          I think anyways, I forget. Then use make. While make is working, I'll create my database. For some reason Amarok ****s out on me the first time I add the database into to the collection tab. I don't use the first run wizard cuz that craps out too. If I add my db to amarok, then go back in and add a fake db, then add my real one again, it will start making tables and everything works great...except for synching my ipod.


                          You should like send me your instant messenger info. it's much easier than posting information that's probably useless. heh.



                            Re: amarok downgrade

                            Just to let you know, I eventually got it working by installing the latest svn build with amarok-svn and adding my collection a directory at a time (VERY time consuming).

                            It looks like I'm not the only one having this problem:


                            It looks like there was a change in the collection scanner code that is causing problems with network shares. Hopefully, the Amarok team is working on it for the next release.

                            I'd give you my IM, but I don't use one! I know, I'm a regular luddite


                              Re: amarok downgrade

                              not sure if the same bug is present but 1.4.3 is available now. I dont have any problems with it so far.

