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Firefox as default

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    Firefox as default

    I want my Kubuntu to use Firefox as a default browser, i already selected it as a default browser thru Systems Settings > KDE Components, but it is still want to use Konqueror, is there another method?

    Re: Firefox as default

    What's "it"? Do you mean when you click on links from your email client? What's your email client?

    ... or did you mean something else (opening .html files locally, for example)?

    In other words, what do you do that launches Konqueror instead?
    Linux is ready for the desktop--but whose desktop?<br />How to install software in Kubuntu


      Re: Firefox as default

      click -k- then system settings. to the far right click KDE components. there you can change your default browser.

      I had the sam boggle with the newsticker, changed it to fire fox and all is grand again in Linux Land.


        Re: Firefox as default

        Originally posted by Crux
        click -k- then system settings. to the far right click KDE components. there you can change your default browser.

        I had the sam boggle with the newsticker, changed it to fire fox and all is grand again in Linux Land.
        As you'd know if you'd actually read the post, he already tried that and it does not work. Please read before you post.

        Anyway I would love it if someone had a solution as this annoys the *** out of me. But I'm guessing its simply a flaw in kde that can only be fix in the few apps that have a browser option.


          Re: Firefox as default

          I had the same problem, and cured with the informatio on this post.

<br />

          The 3rd post covers Firefox and the 6th Thunderbird.

          With the modifications to Firefox and the code to sort Thunder bird all is working as needed now.
          Noooooooooobie learning.


            Re: Firefox as default

            thanks Maple, this one fixed the problem

            sudo update-alternatives --set x-www-browser /usr/bin/firefox

