the very nice people at sane-devl have written a new cannon backend and have asked if I will test it and send them the debug log but to do this I will have to install from source over writing the existing canon.c file and compiling. Iv followed the link for compiling from source in the Kubuntu documentation and ended up at-
but it leaves me with more questions than it answered (most probably stupid ones).
1. where should I untar it to.
2. Should I use the normal Kubutu directory structure ie. ect/sane.d or the default sane structure ie. /usr/local/ect/sane.d and will configure let me do this
3. With a default install with Kubunu there are two directory's created ect/sane.d and usr/share/sane/gt68xx(were the firmware file for my other scanner is located) will the install process create these or should I create them in advance.
4. Is it possible to just compile the canon.c file he has sent me and simply overwrite the existing canon backend.
As you may all have guessed by now I am looking for a little hand holding for this as I am new to Linux. While trawling for information I came across apt-build, this would appear to simplyfie the process but I think that in the case it would not work as I need to alter the source code?
I intend using checkinstall for the installation at least then when it all goes to hell I hopefully can undo the damage.
I would really like to help sane out with this as they have been so helpfull with a bug work round for the existing backend.
Thanks in advance John
the very nice people at sane-devl have written a new cannon backend and have asked if I will test it and send them the debug log but to do this I will have to install from source over writing the existing canon.c file and compiling. Iv followed the link for compiling from source in the Kubuntu documentation and ended up at-
but it leaves me with more questions than it answered (most probably stupid ones).
1. where should I untar it to.
2. Should I use the normal Kubutu directory structure ie. ect/sane.d or the default sane structure ie. /usr/local/ect/sane.d and will configure let me do this
3. With a default install with Kubunu there are two directory's created ect/sane.d and usr/share/sane/gt68xx(were the firmware file for my other scanner is located) will the install process create these or should I create them in advance.
4. Is it possible to just compile the canon.c file he has sent me and simply overwrite the existing canon backend.
As you may all have guessed by now I am looking for a little hand holding for this as I am new to Linux. While trawling for information I came across apt-build, this would appear to simplyfie the process but I think that in the case it would not work as I need to alter the source code?
I intend using checkinstall for the installation at least then when it all goes to hell I hopefully can undo the damage.
I would really like to help sane out with this as they have been so helpfull with a bug work round for the existing backend.
Thanks in advance John