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Where is wallpaper stored?

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    Where is wallpaper stored?

    I used the system settings to install wallpaper, and some images say they are installed, but they are blank. I noticed I couldn't uninstall those so I could reinstall them. So I plan on finding and deleting those images. I noticed Find was buggy, but I'll save that for another post. Can somebody tell me where the wallpapers are stored? TIA

    Re: Where is wallpaper stored?

    I found it using " locate"
    it is in here /usr/share/wallpapers

    Next person to search stored wallpapers should find this info


      Re: Where is wallpaper stored?

      Next question:

      How to I add my existing collection of JPG images, folders and files, to usr/shared/wallpapers/? In other words, is there a way for me to import about 150MB of great wallpapers to my Kubuntu system?


        Re: Where is wallpaper stored?

        I solved the problem myself!

        In Configure - Desktop (reached by right-clicking on my desktop), in the Background subwindow, next to Picture (with that radio button selected) is the title of the current wallpaper image, and a down-pointer to open a menu of other installed wallpapers.

        NEXT TO THAT, at the right-hand end of the line, is a little icon of a folder being opened.

        CLICK THIS, and you get another window titled Select Wallpaper - KDesktop. Here you can navigate to ANY folder or collection of folders you've placed in your Home folder (as I did, by copying a CDRW of my wallpapers from Windows). Here I found ALL my wallpapers.

        And I could display any of them in the preview window, then click OK to put them up on my desktop!

        So I'm in business, at least as far as wallpaper decorations are concerned.

