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Notebooks with ATI

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    Notebooks with ATI

    Hi every one.
    I have one problem. I have the notebook - HP nx 7010 with ATI mobility 9200. And I trying to install driver from There are a lot of how-to, but all of them didn't help me. I am not the only one, who has got the same problem. I haven't met man who did this on his notebook with this kind of grafic cards (I mean 9xxx mobility). I asked people from support on my language (I am from Russia), but they couldn't help me. Please, give me some solutions.

    Re: Notebooks with ATI

    I'm afraid I can't help you with the ATI propriety drivers. I could never get them to work right for me. I'm also using a notebook (ECS G732) with a radeon-m 9000.

    Have you considered using the fglrx driver? For me, it worked better than the ATI driver. If you want to give it a try, easy to follow directions can be found here...



      Re: Notebooks with ATI

      I hate to sound biased. However, I've never had a boggle with nVidia.. Laptops to desktops..

      Cheap is as cheap does.


        Re: Notebooks with ATI

        ***Off Topic***
        There's nothing wrong with preferring one piece of hardware over another. Had an nVidia card been available I would have considered it, and may have selected it.
        As for being cheap, a ECS notebook with a hyperthreading P4 @ 3.06, 1GB DDR ram, and an ATI Mobility with 64MB DDR Video RAM might not blow anybody's socks off now, but it cost more than my car in July, 2003.



          Re: Notebooks with ATI

          Thank you, Josh. But I've seen this instruction before. I can suppose, that nobody can help me. Only changing hardware.


            Re: Notebooks with ATI

            There are a lot of people here who know way more than me. Don't give up all hope yet.



              Re: Notebooks with ATI

              not to pick nits, but the fglrx driver is the proprietary driver from ATI. The fglrx driver in the repos has just been packaged up nicely for (relatively) easy installation.

              Pavel, did you see the notes/troubleshooting section for your specific notebook model at the bottom of the installation guide that Josh suggested? These might help....

              Good luck, and don't give up!



                Re: Notebooks with ATI

                Now I'm confused. If I reconfigure X through dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg and select ATI on the driver page, I get all sorts of random display problems and errors at start-up. With fglrx, everything is normal. Has the fglrx driver been configured differently or something?

                Could you post at what step the installation goes bad, and any errors you receive?



                  Re: Notebooks with ATI


                  Did you reinstall the mesa libraries?

                  sudo apt-get install --reinstall libgl1-mesa


                    Re: Notebooks with ATI

                    No, now that you mention it, I didn't. I'll stick with fglrx for now, so I don't fix what isn't broken. But I'll keep the mesa libraries in mind for the next time someone posts with an ATI problem; it seems to come up quite often.



                      Re: Notebooks with ATI

                      Sorry that I haven't replyed for a long time.
                      I always try to make ubuntu package. But it still doesn't working. And the main reason – openGL doesn't appear – mesa and nothing can do

