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Isn't k3bsetup supposed to be able to create burning group?

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    Isn't k3bsetup supposed to be able to create burning group?

    I'm having trouble getting k3bsetup to correctly setup the permissions
    it needs.
    launch it with kdesu k3bsetup and when you go to check
    use burning group it complains that there is no burning group.
    Which confuses me I thought the whole point
    of the program was to create a burning group if none
    was found.. =/ and then configure permission on devices
    Also k3b won't lauch when launched from the menu
    it starts loading but like alot of kde apps hangs durning startup.
    The funny thing >< is when launched with the same command
    from a terminal it loads just fine but spits out some
    misconfigured input device messages concerning /etc/X11/xorg.conf

    Re: Isn't k3bsetup supposed to be able to create burning group?

    I might be able to help a little ... There is no burning group in kubuntu. So you have a couple of options:

    1. Create a burning group.
    2. Enter the name of existing group such as "users" or maybe even "cdrom".



      Re: Isn't k3bsetup supposed to be able to create burning group?

      yeah, I just thought k3bsetup was supposed to have the ability to completely make
      a burning group on its own with the needed permissions and yeah
      I'm kinda new to using linux extensively so as of yet I'm not sure
      what is the correct way to extend the cd-rom group to have access
      to the right devices in a writable way
      (which is probable how I will do it) access to the cd-rom group should
      imply burning priviledges I think I can't mess around with it right now though :/
      as I'm going to be doing something in windows for the next couple days solid


        Re: Isn't k3bsetup supposed to be able to create burning group?

        all i know is k3b hasnt' worked for me since the 2.4 kernal , this update didnt' fix squat for me. NOW it actually ruins the disk when it simulates, so i can't even see if things are working and instead make coasters. K3bsetup2 just seems to, well i can't see what its doing cuz it sure as hell isn't changing any permissions or creating a cd recording group. I'm completley lost on this enitre thing. I mean to burn a CD i have to repartition (Ruin any data i have on my drive) and make a new partition that uses an old version of ubuntu (2.4 kernel) so i can burn a disk.

        Is there a cdrecord alternative? I mean nero didn't work either so what the hell? Am i gonna have to chmod 7777 everything on my system and run like a windows box in order to burn a cd?


          Re: Isn't k3bsetup supposed to be able to create burning group?

          try a burning program called graveman
          it has worked very well for me in the past ...


            Re: Isn't k3bsetup supposed to be able to create burning group?

            checkin out graveman , says itsa frontend that uses cdrecord amoungst other programs. CDrecord is the problem. I'll try and find something else.

