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System Services module doesn't work

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    System Services module doesn't work

    Hi All,

    I'm trying out Kubuntu 6.06 LTS and when entering System Settings -> System Services a progress dialog ("Querying system service status) pops up and increases _VERY_ slowly. (it took 30 minutes to get to 6 percent before I rebooted and tried again - with the same result)

    In the background KDE says "The module System Services could not be loaded. ... Possible reasons ... An error occurred during your last KDE upgrade leaving an orphaned control module. You have old third party modules lying around."

    Does anyone have any idea on how to solve this problem?

    Re: System Services module doesn't work

    I generally use 'sudo sysv-rc-conf' to edit services, so I didn't notice System Services didn't work for me either until I read your post.

    1. If you wish to try sysv-rc-conf (it's a text-based CLI tool, but I like it a lot better than the GUI lists all run levels simultaneously, for example) install 'sysv-rc-conf' -package from universe

    2. To your problem:
    In my case the reason for System Services not working was the fact that didn't recognize my system as a 'Debian' system (and therefore was searching for the servicescripts in the wrong directories) will check /etc/issue file to find out if a system is debian based (it checks whether /etc/issue starts with either 'Debian' or 'Ubuntu'.

    Check that your /etc/issue starts with 'Ubuntu'.

    I had mine changed to Kubuntu (just for the fun ) I edited '/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/' to check for 'Debian', 'Ubuntu' or 'Kubuntu'...Of course one can also edit '/etc/issue'.

    Note that you might not have the exact same problem...try running:
    kcmshell serviceconfig
    from the console, you should see some debug information that may reveal the problem, you can also post the output here perhaps someone can decipher the output.


      Re: System Services module doesn't work

      Thank you very much.

      I had changed /etc/issue and changing it back solved the problem.


        Re: System Services module doesn't work

        Originally posted by krenaud
        I had changed /etc/issue and changing it back solved the problem.
        Good to hear

        As a side note on
        reading /etc/issue might not be the best way to determine which system is running, but what do I know

