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Konqueror not opening in KDE

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    Konqueror not opening in KDE

    . . . but it opens just fine in Gnome or Xfce! It does not launch form the panel icon, the KMenu or from a terminal.

    The output when launching from a terminal is as follows:

    X Error: BadDevice, invalid or uninitialized input device 168
     Major opcode: 145
     Minor opcode: 3
     Resource id: 0x0
    Failed to open device
    X Error: BadDevice, invalid or uninitialized input device 168
     Major opcode: 145
     Minor opcode: 3
     Resource id: 0x0
    Failed to open device
    But I get the same output when launching Konqueror from a terminal in Xfce, so I doubt there are any clues there.

    Two other problems have cropped up as well, which i suspect are related. First the "Menu of important system places" is empty. Secondly I've been getting the following popup error on KDE startup:

    Error - KDE Panel
    The process for the system protocol died unexpectedly
    However, I've been getting that error for a few days and Konqueror only stopped launching in KDE this morning.

    Is there anything else I should look at? Any clues or suggestions?

    Re: Konqueror not opening in KDE

    as for the error messages try this link


      Re: Konqueror not opening in KDE

      hmmm... I'm getting the same pop-up error message, but so far Konquerer's behaving. I'll post anything I discover in case it helps.

      Maybe I'm missing something, but Tuhinsr's link doesn't seem to apply...

      (I'm configuring Dapper on a new laptop, so lots is changing, and the dust has yet to settle.)


        Re: Konqueror not opening in KDE

        I had very same error messages -- I did what they recommended in that link - removed wacom drivers -- it worked for me ------- did you try that exactly -- can you be more precise

