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Konqueror toolbar woes

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    Konqueror toolbar woes

    HELP! Attached is a toolbar I used to have, I think it was the 'Main' toolbar? Anyway, it's been replaced by just the magnifying glasses (+ & -). I've tried configuring the main tool bar to add back the icons I've lost (list view, icon view, etc.) but I can't seem to find those icons/items!

    How can I get these default (?) icons back? They've been there ever since I started using Kubuntu but recently they've disappeared when I restart the Konqueror file browser.

    Thanks in advance!
    Attached Files

    Re: Konqueror toolbar woes

    OK. This is too weird ... The default main toolbar icons just came back. I logged off and back on, fired up Konqueror and they were still not there. Then I looked a bit later and there they are! Also, after logging off/on, I lost the items in my System Menu (it was empty). And finally, after adding my System Menu back to the task bar, my K start menu somehow shifted slightly to the right (there's a small empty area to the left rather than the K being flush to the left of the screen as usual).

    WEIRDNESS!?!? Is Dapper gone buggy on me or what It's been rock solid stable since I installed 6.06 in June ... I've been apt-get update/upgrading so I'm current but maybe there are some bugs that have been introduced


      Re: Konqueror toolbar woes

      I haven't rebooted in awhile (that's why I love Linux!) ... 26 days to be exact ... so I decided to reboot as well. Konqueror toolbars are back to normal. System menu was empty, went to add it back in and when I had two, the empty one was populated again. Removed the duplicate.

      But I'm still stuck with the K menu slightly to the right instead of flush with the left side of the screen (see attached).

      Any ideas how to fix this

      Attached Files


        Re: Konqueror toolbar woes

        All is well.

        Simply right-click and select "Move K Menu Menu" which is the top menu option. I must have moved it slightly when I was messing with the System Menu.

        Damn! It's the little things. Thanks for reading. Sorry to bother y'all! I hope this may help some other struggling souls ... I still think the Konqueror tool bar weirdness and the empty System Menu are bugs of some sort.


          Re: Konqueror toolbar woes

          I hate to move this topic back to the top ... not to mention being the only one to reply to my own thread but ...

          I'm still having problems with my default Konqueror toolbar. I've attached screenshots of a 'good' and 'bad' default toolbar that keeps occuring on my Dapper Drake desktop ... Lately, even reboots or log off/on hasn't fixed it. I'm not sure what's going on but I suspect there's a bug of some sort. Is anyone else experiencing this or am I the only one

          Thanks in advance for any advice or thoughts on this subject.
          Attached Files

