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Adept Manager

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    Adept Manager

    Ahoj (HELLO)

    I have got some questions:

    1. HOW TO INSTALL ANYTHING ON KUBUNTU (I download Mozilla Firefox .tar.gz. How can I install this?)
    2. I made some changes with Adept Manager. How to confirm this?
    3. How can I configure Kontact for reciving and sending mail?

    Help me, please.

    Re: Adept Manager

    1- There are many ways to install software under linux, in this case (firefox) you only have to unpack it into a directory you can write. then go to inside unpacked directory and run it
    ./firefox under console or click if your are under kde.
    to unpack

    2 - Apply changes

    3- Like other any mail client , the same way you did for outlook.


      Re: Adept Manager

      configure kontact by going to settings>configure kmail>Identities
      Here you click new which ever is there and type your email addy. Remove the default identity and the new on will become default. then go to the account tab and click new. here you can configure your incoming and outgoing hosts and username and password. you are on your way dude.
      I tried Enlightenment once, it was pretty cool.


        Re: Adept Manager

        1. For installing stuff, you can probably refer to this guide: (this guide is also available offline in K Menu > Help > Kubuntu Documents > Kubuntu Desktop Guide)
        For Firefox, you don't need to download/use that .tar.gz you have. Just open up Adept and look for Firefox and install it.

        2. What changes do you mean? If you changed the repositories, click on Apply, then click on Fetch Updates.

        3. what bootdoc said.
        Jucato's Data Core

