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Java won't work in Konqueror, Flash is out of sync. (Solved)

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    Java won't work in Konqueror, Flash is out of sync. (Solved)

    Hi everyone,

    I've been posting a bit more because I figure it's about time I get these little problems fixed.

    I love Konqueror, it's a nifty little browser.  It's well-integrated and I prefer it over Firefox (at least when it comes to KDE).  However, I've been having some issues. 

    First of all, Java does not work.  I installed Sun Java, and it works perfectly in Firefox.  I scanned for plugins like suggested, and I went to Tools > HTML Settings and checked Java.  Despite this, it still does not work.  The best I've got is a grey box that says "Loading Applet" that never progresses or finishes.

    Also, Flash does not work properly.  I have flashplugin-nonfree installed, and it works fine in Firefox (though only after I edited /etc/firefox/firefoxrc to read FIREFOX_DSP="aoss").  But in Konqueror, I suffer the same problem I had in Firefox before that fix; the sound is out of sync.  Let me tell you, Strong Bad is just not as funny out of sync.

    I really don't know what to do.  According to what I've found so far, what I did with Java should have been enough to get it working perfectly, and I didn't see any solutions for my Flash problem with Konqueror, only the solution I already implemented for Firefox.

    Well .. if anyone has any suggestions, I'm open to them.  I've run out of ideas, and I can't find anything more!

    I hope I can get this to work, because Firefox is just too slow and far too heavy.  Besides, I hate the way it doesn't integrate into KDE.

    Thanks in advance ..

    Edit:  Thanks to jdunn, Java is now working properly (mostly), and after further tweaking with the settings in Konqueror, I've gotten Flash to work. I went to Configure Konqueror, Plugins, then clicked the Plugins tab, and disabled "Use artsdsp to pipe plugin sound through aRts". After that, sound was back in sync.

    Anyway, I'm still having some troubles with Java, but I think I'll just consider this thread "solved" and figure that out later .. I don't use Java often enough to worry about it right now.


    Re: Java won't work in Konqueror, Flash is out of sync.

    I just followed the Ubuntu Starter Wiki to get java working in Konqueror. Installed the jre packages using Adept, then opened Konsole and typed:

    sudo update-alternatives --config java

    Hope you don't encounter the same nasty side effect i did tho, i no longer have sound and it looks like i'm going to need to reinstall Kubuntu.

    Oh, and i never could get shockwave to work. Tried following the commands on the Ubuntu Wiki but it didn't work, couldn't seem to find the correct package.


      Re: Java won't work in Konqueror, Flash is out of sync.

      Well, I had the same problem: I had installed the Sun Java package and Java worked in Firefox but not in Konqueror. I did a lot of searching on these forums but my fix that worked was to change the path in the Configure Konqueror>Java Tab to /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.5.0-sun-

      While I guess Firefox uses Sun Java by default, Konqueror must be told which version of Java to use. 'sudo update-alternatives --config java' I guess is supposed to acheive the same effect as naming the path in Konqueror but it didn't work for me.


        Re: Java won't work in Konqueror, Flash is out of sync.

        Gh0st75, I hope I have better luck with Flash than you did. I would have tried that command but I ended up seeing jdunn's post first, so I entered in the path in Configure Konqueror, which actually fixed it. Thank you for responding, both of you, at least one thing is working now!

        Now I just need to get Flash back in sync ..

