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installing Kubuntu over Windows

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    installing Kubuntu over Windows

    Hi All

    I am planning the install Kubuntu or Ubuntu on several PCs/Laptops that will be for sell. I am planning to format the drive and do a complete install. My boss is concerned about the windows data that is on the hard drive. He think that someone with the right software can retrieve the data.

    At this time I have to use WipeDrv or Boot&Nute to wipe the drive to DOD specs.

    I told him that the FBI can retrieve the data from just about any drive.
    I used Google to search for data recovery software and that state that they can retrieve data for a formatted drive. Do these proprams really work?

    I would not like to use WipeDrv then install Kubuntu or Ubuntu on them.
    It adds about 4 to 6 hours for a 40GB drive before I can install Kubuntu or Ubuntu.

    Is that a better way?

    Thanks for any help


    Re: installing Kubuntu over Windows

    Hi Source forge used to, and as far as I know still do a program called Eraser that can erase data to a standred that exceeds the max specification required by the American defence and military for the disposal of computers. How sensitive is this data if you use boot and nuke it would require great assets to retrieve the data ie cost a small fortune.

    Regards John.


      Re: installing Kubuntu over Windows

      You can do a great job of wipping a hard disk with "Darik's Boot and Nuke".

      Take a look at :


        Re: installing Kubuntu over Windows

        Originally posted by lyall
        I used Google to search for data recovery software and that state that they can retrieve data for a formatted drive. Do these proprams really work?
        Yes. They absolutely work. I recently had to recover data from a harddrive that had been repartitioned, reformated, and then had Ubuntu installed on it. I succesfully recovered a vast majority of the data using open source tools available to anybody.

        Simply repartitioning those harddrives and installing Ubuntu (or any other OS, for that matter) is not sufficient. You will need to spend the time to properly prepare the harddrives. Your boss is correct.

