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    AIGLX & KDE...

    I managed to set up AIGLX+compiz (Quinn) on my laptop, a Toshiba with an Intel graphic card. Everything works fine (well... except the "blur" plugin, which terribly slows down the system), and the resulting effects are very nice. But here comes the bad things:

    1. Yakuake doesn't work anymore (F12 is used by the "scale" plugin).
    2. Kasbar works, but it's very ugly (it's hard to explain how it looks). This is a minor problem.
    3. Katapult doesn't appear if I press Alt+Space.
    4. There are some issues with the system tray in the main panel: sometimes, one or two icons don't appear and they are replaced by blank spaces.
    5. Monitor doesn't power off automatically . This is related, I think, to the Xorg-air configuration but i can't find a workaround.

    Any help? Otherwise I'll stick with "regular" KDE until all this problems are fixed. Thank you!

    Re: AIGLX & KDE...

    can you recommend a GOOD link on how to configure compiz with an Intel graphics card, PLEASE

    I am trying to set it up on my Dell Inspiron 1100 with an i810 video chipset and haven't had any luck yet. I keep finding only old howto's and they dont seem to work.

    Thanks for any help you can give,


      Re: AIGLX & KDE...

      I followed the guide on ubuntuforums. You can find it here
      This how-to is gnome-specific, but you can follow it excluding the gdm configuration. After installing the required packages, in the login screen the default session type changed to "Gnome" (I had to change it back to KDE): it seems that you can't install xorg-air, compiz, etc without many Gnome related packages. After that, you have to follow
      and modify kdmrc and /etc/environmnet. In kdmrc I suggest you to simply comment with a # the ServerCmd line, and replace it with the new command. Then you can restart the X server and AIGLX effects should be n your desktop. To choose which effects use and to modify many options you can type "compiz-start" in a command line and an icon should appear in the system tray. Running the script
      killall gnome-window-decorator
      kwin --replace &
      makes you revert to the regular kde (and you can enable the cool effects with the compiz-start command). Hope it helps...

