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development packages or rubbish config ?

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    development packages or rubbish config ?

    I've been struggling like hell recently - because I want to install some of the available plugins for my installed version of the Gimp.

    Now I managed to work out what to do with the plugins that arrive as scripts of one sort or another (that'd be .scm, .py, .pl, etc etc) but the ones that turn up as .tar.gz (or tar.bz2) seem to want compiling or something like that.

    I untar the package, and look at the README file, and most of them seem to say that I should then "cd" to the directory thats been made (in CLI) and then do make install or make install-user.

    The problem has been that the error dialogue seems to show that make is then looking for a facility called gimptool to help it along. Gimptool seems to be part of the libgimp2.0-dev i.e. a development file/package.

    If I then try to install the libgimp2.0-dev, it tells me it's dependent on libgtk2.0-dev (another bloody development package/file).

    If I then try to install that, it kicks out an error for about 4 other development packages/files etc etc.

    So I've just fired up synaptic and searched the packages listing for "dev" files/packages - when I try to install kde based development packages, it's then telling me that theres dependency problems with libqt something or other.

    What does that mean, is it that I need to do something else to get the system to install development packages, or maybe change some config or other to be able to install development packages ??



    p.s. Oh and yes I do have "build-essentials" installed.
    What the large print giveth, the small print taketh away! Tom Waits.

    Re: development packages or rubbish config ?

    i had the same problem and they helped me here....
    sorry i couldnt find my original thread.....


      Re: development packages or rubbish config ?

      Originally posted by someguyouknow

      i had the same problem and they helped me here....
      sorry i couldnt find my original thread.....
      TVM for the link someguyouknow, I've joined the community there and will see where that leads. 8)

      I'm still very curious as to why I don't seem to be able to just install development packages though - I did find this page in amongst the ubuntu stuff and wondered if thats what I'm expected to do, to install development stuff?

      Because if thats the case, they can f**k off and I'll just install Gentoo. > :P

      I know that the basic idea of the *buntu's is about usability etc, but I don't really need to have most development stuff - I know the square root of f**k all about developing, I just want to be able to do the stuff that I want to do and not to have to jump through 3 million hoops to have to do it.

      If it so happens, that what I'm looking to do, needs a development package or two, then ......... whatever.

      I just can't see whats stopping me install the ones that I've been looking for - I can't believe that "they" would leave 2 major dev packages like gimp and gtk as "broken" in the repo. That doesn't make sense.

      So if anyone else has any idea of why I don't seem to be able to install development packages, I'd be very pleased to hear their ideas/suggestions/advice/guidance.


      What the large print giveth, the small print taketh away! Tom Waits.

