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KDE Drama

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    KDE Drama

    I've been so tied up with other things I've had little time to play with my Linux install like I used to. Anyway, I wanted to vent a little about some annoying issues I've seen with the last few releases of KDE. I'm constantly bothered by the same bugs and I need some help. One of them I discussed in another thread regarding kded. The other really annoying bug I see involves Java swing clients. Has anyone else been annoyed by this? Every so often (quite frequently at times) a windows opened by a swing application goes nuts. I mean sometimes it opens with dimensions so big that it falls off the screen. Other times it opens in shade mode. And sometimes it just opens normally. That goes for any window opened from any swing application. It only appears to happen on KDE. (I haven't tried Gnome but my buddy uses it and says he hasn't seen the problem. I've tried XFCE and have not yet seen it.) Any clues?

    Re: KDE Drama

    Something in my head clicked or fell into place and I just realized that part of my KDE drama could be JRE related instead of KDE related. I'm running JRE-1.5.0_05-b05 on KDE 3.5.2. I'm going to try upgrading to JRE 1.5.0_08 and KDE 3.5.4 to see if the problem goes away. I still have my doubts. You see I can't pin point when the problem started or from what exactly because it's been so long. I would try one of the older JRE's already downloaded on my sys but I already have too many dependencies on Java5. Also the problem happens to intermitten. I guess the best thing to do is wait for the latest JRE to finish downloading. I'll be revisiting the topic no doubt.


      Re: KDE Drama

      Ok, I just finished upgrading both KDE and my JRE and I still get the crazy window behaviour! Running any Java swing app on KDE results in random malfunctions when new windows open. What gives??!! Has anyone else had this?


        Re: KDE Drama

        Maybe give us an example of an app that does this, I don't know which apps I have (or do not have) that are java swing apps.


          Re: KDE Drama

          Right now I primarily see the problem in my IDE, IntelliJ Idea and in the project that we develop here which also uses Swing. But I notice it in any Java swing app. SQuirrel and DataStudio are examples of Swing apps that run GUI SQL interfaces. you can try downloading one of them. I can't think of too many right now I'm in a rush to leave.


            Re: KDE Drama

            As these apps may not be in common use, I would suggest filing a bug report so that perhaps it can be looked into. I may try downloading something and installing just to see, but I am currently on a poor quality dialup, and downloading is very tedious atm lol


              Re: KDE Drama

              I use Idea and Aqua DataStudio and they both work flawlessly.......

              Are you sure you're running them with Sun's JVM and not the GNU one?


                Re: KDE Drama

                Yes I'm positive. I have not actually seen the problem in either of those two apps as I have not used them recently. I do see it in our custom swing app and in Idea. I've also seen it happen with some ad-hoc Groovy/Swing development I did on the side. I can't think of a good scenario to isolate the problem because it happens so randomly. I could go a week or so without seeing the problem then boom it starts happening left and right. It's been plauging me really bad recently. I attempt to do some refactoring and the option dialog pops up immediately goes into window shade mode. What's worse is when I attempt to unshade it it goes immediately back into shade mode. I'm sure that has nothing to do with the actual program running rather its a flaw in either the underlying windowing framework or widget toolkit. My buddy had the problem too before he switched over to OSX. I would file a bug report but I'm wondering if I should filed with KDE instead. I'll try to take a screen movie of the shade thing happening if I can reproduce it intelligently. Thanx everyone for helping!


                  Re: KDE Drama

                  This is a "me too" post. I have seen exactly what you have described when using Intellij. I am using the latest IntelliJ 5.1.2 and am running Kubuntu (Dapper). I am using one of the latest jvm's 1.5.0_06-b05 as well.

                  The window shading behavior is the most annoying. I have tried to see if there was some way to turn off shading in KDE, but haven't found a way to do this.


                    Re: KDE Drama

                    I updated my jdk to: jdk1.5.0_08 and the problem with the odd window behavior seems to have gone away. I was running ver 1.5.0_06. I browsed through the release notes for version _07 and _08 but didn't see any reference to anything that seemed to be this issue. It may have been fixed as an artifact of some other fix. As another note, I did update my kde libraries to 3.5.4 (from 3.5.2), but I haven't restarted my kde session, so I don't know for sure if this update has taken effect and done anything to remedy the problem.

                    It may be a little premature to conclude that I have gotten this issue to go away completely, since I have only been using Intellij for about an hour since I upgrated, but I will cross my fingers.


                      Re: KDE Drama

                      Nice to know I'm not alone or crazy. I updated to the latest JVM, 1.5.0_08 and also updated KDE to 3.5.4 from 3.5.2 and I still get the weird behaviour. It's really sporadic and I haven't seen it yet this morning though. There has got to be an explanation.


                        Re: KDE Drama

                        I've also seen this annoying behavior return again today. I had good luck for a week or so after updating my jdk and kde, I hope someone can figure this one out.


                          Re: KDE Drama

                          Yeah, it's bugging the heck outta me too...

