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Multiple Questions - HELP!

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    Multiple Questions - HELP!

    Finally replaced my Dell 3800. The new system configured perfectly with Kubuntu. Even the wireless worked right out of the box! . However, becuase I did get a new system, how do I transfer my KMAIL and KOPETE information and settings over to my new system

    Second question, I upgraded to the new KDE, I think, how can I find out what version of KDE is running??

    Third question, I used KSysGuard to look at processor performance. Why is it showing 600 MHz when the processor is 1.7 GHz?

    Thanks for your help!

    Re: Multiple Questions - HELP!

    1) I assumed you backed up your old home folder onto a CD or USB key.  What you need to find is the folder called .kde  Note the "." before "kde".  So, insert the backup media and let Kubuntu open it in a Konqueror window.  Go to View --> Show Hidden Files.  You should see .kde in there somewhere.  Copy that folder into your new home directory, choosing the "Overwrite All" option.  That should transfer all of your KDE data.

    2) On the command-line (K Menu --> System --> Konsole), type:
    kded --version | grep KDE | grep -v Daemon
    3) Your laptop's processor must have speedstep, meaning it will run at slower speeds if nothing much is being processed.  Kubuntu has excellent software to manage this, so the fact that you're seeing 600MHz is probably a good thing.  If you were to encode MP3's or AVI files, you should see the processor kick up to full speed.


      Re: Multiple Questions - HELP!

      Hm... Let me try.

      1. I'm not absolutely sure that this would work. You see, there's a special hidden folder in our /home folder where KDE keeps our user's settings and configuration. it's in the ~/.kde/share/config and ~/.kde/share/apps directories. Try copying the appropriate files from your old installation to the new one.


      Then the contents of


      Try that, though I'm not sure it will work 100%

      2. To check what version of KDE you are using, just go to the Help menu of any KDE app and click on "About KDE".

      3. In which part of KSysGuard are you seeing this? You might get a more accurate information from KInfoCenter.
      Jucato's Data Core


        Re: Multiple Questions - HELP!

        Thak you both. The answers I needed.

