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Experts! Need Help :(

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    Experts! Need Help :(

    Guess what I did ... I deleted the symlink /lib/ The target is still there. Its just the symlink thats gone. I deleted it with the intention of recreating it to point to a 32 bit version (just trying something out). But of course, once it was gone I lost the ability to do anything.

    I was unable to su/sudo to recreate it. After much deliberation, and after having determined I was going to be able to do FA from there, I rebooted in the hope recovery mode would still be able to get in as root and fix this simple problem. It cant. I cant login as anyone without the symlink.

    It would probably be easy to fix with a live cd, BUT I have a RAID0 setup (RAID1 for /boot). I tried the live cd but it sees the 6 partitions (2 RAID1s for /boot, 2 RAID 0s for /, 2 RAID0s for /swap) as invalid when it comes to mounting.


    === EDIT ===

    Actually, I didnt try a live cd. I tried recovery on my installation cd (the alternate cd). I dont have a damned blank disc here to try the desktop cd. I wonder if Ill have some success with that?

    Re: Experts! Need Help

    Okay, Im taking this one home (where I have no connection) so I probably wont be able to reply to any replies until tomorrow, but *please* dump your ideas here and if I havent gotten it sorted by the morning Ill give them ago.

    Im scared


      Re: Experts! Need Help

      As much as I love (and rave) about Kubuntu, I don't use it as a rescue CD -- try Kanotix instead: Also check the Kanotix forums on how to what tools you'll need to mount RAID partitions correctly.


        Re: Experts! Need Help

        Phew :P Found a CD before I left and burned the 6.06 Desktop. It booted and I was able to mount my real / simply with

        # mkdir /home/ubuntu/md3
        # sudo mount /dev/md3 /home/ubuntu/md3

        and then recreate the link.

        Perhaps I got off easy because its only soft raid.

        Let this be a lesson to you kids ... /lib/ = very important .

        Thanks for the response anyway proteus. Ill bear it in mind for the next **** up.

