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32-bit Matlab 6.5 on AMD64

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    32-bit Matlab 6.5 on AMD64

    Can anyone help as I try to get a 32 bit Matlab 6.5 (R12) installed on a 64-bit Kubuntu (essentially Debian) system.

    I am still wrestling with the Flexlm license manager which must be started before you can run matlab.

    The error is:
    $ sudo /etc/init.d/flexlm start
    /var/tmp/lm_TMW.ld: relocation error: /var/tmp/lm_TMW.ld: symbol errno, version GLIBC_2.0 not defined in file with link time reference
      Waiting 3 secs for MATLAB vendor daemon to come up . . .
          Type your interrupt character (usually CTRL-C) to quit.
      Time = 3 secs : time limit reached . . .
    Wed Aug 9 16:00:57 IST 2006  LM_LOGFILE (last 10 lines)
    Please hit return for more help . . . >
    Notes: 1. To print more of the debug logfile use the '-e nlines' option
         on lmstart or lmboot commands. Use the -help option on any
         command for help.
        2. To check that the daemons are up run the 'lmstat -a' command.
        3. Use the '-wait secs' option on lmstart or lmboot commands
         to increase the wait time in batch.
        4. If you are getting 'socket bind' errors in the logfile output
         first run 'lmdown' and then 'lmstart -k' to verify that all
         ports are clear. This is CRITICAL when using redundant
         servers. You must get nothing back from 'lmstart -k' on all
         servers before you are ready to run 'lmstart' to restart the
         license manager. This can take up to 5 minutes. If some of
         the ports do not clear in this time then they could be in
         use and you should change the port number on the SERVER line
         in your license file.
    exporting LD_ASSUME_KERNEL=2.4.1 is I believe the required work around but then we get
    $ sudo /etc/init.d/flexlm start
    /bin/sh: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
    $ locate
    Have tried adding /lib32 to and also setting it in LD_LIBRARY_PATH but this has no effect.

    Anybody got any thoughts (other than using octave!)?

    Re: 32-bit Matlab 6.5 on AMD64

    My thought would be to call Matlab. What else did you pay for? Also, I'd add Scilab to Octave, both will work on AMD64


      Re: 32-bit Matlab 6.5 on AMD64

      I have gone for the distasteful approach of a 32-bit chroot (... after all the effort I went to to get mplayer/mencoder, firefox, flash, etc. working without one).

      I wish there was a really good interface for octave. It would probably be quite a job for me to migrate all my code but Id do it. Someday perhaps.


        Re: 32-bit Matlab 6.5 on AMD64

        I had the same pb, and it seems that this comes from using sudo:
        indeed, this later executable shouldn't use the 2.4.1 version.

        first proof:
        ~: sudo su -
        #: LD_ASSUME_KERNEL=2.4.1 /etc/init.d/idl_flex start

        works fine
        export LD_ASSUME_KERNEL=2.4.1

        second proof:
        ~: sudo killall flexlm
        ~: sudo vim /etc/init.d/flexlm

        at the begining of the file add the line
        export LD_ASSUME_KERNEL=2.4.1

        ~: sudo /etc/init.d/flexlm start

        hope it helps

