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XMMS and Streaming Audio Playlists

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    XMMS and Streaming Audio Playlists

    I am not a music addict--I don't have an I-Pod with scads of mp3 music on it. I mainly listen to streaming audio on the Internet, and I use XMMS.

    I do not find XMMS to be intuitive at all. I would like to set up something similar to what I had under Win2K: an icon for each of my radio stations. I would simply click on the icon that I wanted and it would start up the application, connect to the proper streaming server, and begin playing my music.

    I have not been able to do the same under Kubuntu and XMMS. I've played around with playlists, but it seems that is for music that you have already stored on your hard disk and organized. I may be wrong but that's the way it appears to me.

    Right now, I open my browser to the URL of the radio station I want to listen to, click on the "Listen Now" link, and it begins to play. But there's got to be a better way. I'm still learning and I would appreciate any suggestions, tutorials, or whatever.

    Kubuntu rocks! and Win2K is no more!!


    Re: XMMS and Streaming Audio Playlists

    Try dragging the "Liston Now'" link to your desktop.


    Have you tried Amarok. It plays and organizes streams.

