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Administrator Access in System Setting or KControl

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    Administrator Access in System Setting or KControl


    I've noticed that if you try to gain Adminsitrator access in System Settings or KControl after using sudo from the command line, you never get the prompt to input your password and nothing happens. However, if you haven't used sudo from the command line since booting or if the sudo password timeout has expired, gaining admin access in system settings or Kcontrol works no problem. I 'fixed' this by editing my sudoers file so that the password times out immediately. Now I can gain admin access right away all the time, even if I have used sudo from the command line. The drawback is that I must enter my password everytime I use sudo, but I usually only do one thing at a time anyway.

    I edited my sudoers file as follows:

    From the command line, enter 'sudo visudo'. Make sure you do it this way, visudo has syntax checking. Bad syntax means you won't get root privileges anymore until you fix things by booting into recovery mode. Add this parameter to the Defaults line.... timestamp_timeout=0. My line looks like this.......

    Defaults !lecture,tty_tickets,!fqdn,timestamp_timeout=0


    Re: Administrator Access in System Setting or KControl

    This will also allow you to set up your user name as a sudoer with ALL if you are having problems with getting into the desktop as root to make changes.

