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KDE screensaver saga (again)!

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    KDE screensaver saga (again)!

    Ok, so I've upgraded my kde to 3.5.4 this afternoon. I've been into the system settings and got the screensaver that I used to use before the 3.5.3 problems.

    A test looks fine. I've set it to one minute, so that I can see it's working OK.

    Problem is, that it isn't.

    Yes it does seem to start to cut in i.e. the screen goes black, but the screensaver (the clock one) doesn't seem to start. Well it's not showing anything on screen anyhow.

    What do I need to look at to try and see if I can get this sorted!



    p.s. and no I haven't searched as yet. I'd hoped that the upgrade to the 3.5.4 would be the "silver bullet". It isn't. Hence I should very much appreciate any advice/assistance/direction.
    What the large print giveth, the small print taketh away! Tom Waits.

    Re: KDE screensaver saga (again)!

    same here......
    my screensave doesnt work either.....


      Re: KDE screensaver saga (again)!

      Every time I update something in my system the "option DPMS" line disapears from the /etc/x11/xorg.conf file (don't ask me why!!!):

      Section "Monitor"
      identifier "Generic Monitor"
      option "DPMS"
      vendorname "Samsung"
      modelname "Samsung SyncMaster 750s(T)"
      HorizSync 30-70
      VertRefresh 50-160

      ... and my screensaver screws up again. I have to add that line again to fix it. Try it out to see if it works on your machine and tell us how it went.



        Re: KDE screensaver saga (again)!

        Originally posted by nejode
        Every time I update something in my system the "option DPMS" line disapears from the /etc/x11/xorg.conf file (don't ask me why!!!):

        Section "Monitor"
        identifier "Generic Monitor"
        option "DPMS"
        vendorname "Samsung"
        modelname "Samsung SyncMaster 750s(T)"
        HorizSync 30-70
        VertRefresh 50-160

        ... and my screensaver screws up again. I have to add that line again to fix it. Try it out to see if it works on your machine and tell us how it went.


        Nope, that didn't work. I also had an entry that said "Gamma 1", I don't know what that is, so I binned it too see what happens - nothing.

        I'm wondering if this is a system thing my end or something kde based ?

        I really don't know, the above is a guess, because prior to upgrading to kde 3.5.3 the screensaver worked fine, and now it does seem to be trying, it's just not starting the graphic side of it - it does blank the screen, but thats it.

        So any other ideas/advice or suggestions etc, are much appreciated.


        What the large print giveth, the small print taketh away! Tom Waits.


          Re: KDE screensaver saga (again)!

          my config files are so screwed up.....
          i dont think i can change it if i wanted to.....


            Re: KDE screensaver saga (again)!

            my config files are so screwed up.....
            i dont think i can change it if i wanted to.....
            Well, I did this to a friend's box that had a similar problem and it worked OK, you can give it a try...

            1) Make a backup copy of your xorg.conf file.
            2) Open a terminal and type: <sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg> (this command updates your xorg.conf to defaults). If you have an nvidia or ati propietary driver it will default those too.
            3) If your card is nvidia (for ati I don't know!) run the following command <sudo nvidia-glx-config enable>
            4) Check out to see if the {option "DPMS"} exists.
            5) Try out your screensaver.
            6) If it works, you can configure your monitor again through >System Setting>Display

            ...come back and tell us if it works...


              Re: KDE screensaver saga (again)!

              nope, it still doesnt work.....
              but i got my xorg configuration back

              thanks for that.....


                Re: KDE screensaver saga (again)!

                No didn't work for me either.

                I have managed to get a screensaver working - the xscreensaver, so I'm not completely stuck.

                I'd like to workout how to sort this though.

                I've had a dig through some other forums, who reported that the kde screensavers in 3.5.4 are working OK under slackware, but the same person said that their *buntu version didn't.

                so I'm wondering if it's still a *buntu problem, rather than a specifically kde thing i.e. is it the way that kubuntu is configuring kde ?

                If so, what should I be looking at to try to find out


                What the large print giveth, the small print taketh away! Tom Waits.


                  Re: KDE screensaver saga (again)!

                  Well, I have no idea whats going on.

                  My partner logged into her user account and did a little work this morning, and when I come back upstairs to check a couple of things, what do I see ?

                  Yes, that bloody screensaver has started working. On her user account.

                  So I boot back into my user account and waited, the damn thing starts on mine as well.

                  Confusing as hell, but I suppose at least it (the screensaver that is) seems to be working.

                  TVM for the replies etc.


                  What the large print giveth, the small print taketh away! Tom Waits.


                    Re: KDE screensaver saga (again)!

                    Well, I upgraded to KDE 3.5.4 yesterday and everything is working great. All my settings are just the same as before the upgrade. My media:/ kio slave shows all the drives, mounted or not, (jucato has that problem!), wall paper is the same, screensaver working....

                    What I did was install first all the non-KDE stuff, kernel image included (with Synaptic). Rebooted. Then downloaded the KDE packages (marked the "Download only" checkbox). After all the packs were in my hdd, reopened Synaptic and marked all but the kaudiocreator deb (I read in the forum it was breaking during the upgrade) and hit apply. Evrerything went smoothly. Only after evrything checked out OK did I install the kaudiocreatos pack.

                    If it helps somebody esle... pass it around.

                    ...hasta la vista...


                      Re: KDE screensaver saga (again)!

                      The screensaver didn't work in 3.5.2, and it stil doesn't in 3.5.4.

                      After the set time elapses, the screen just goes black. The monitor is still getting a signal, though; it's not a power-down thing.

                      Lane Lester
                      The Web Doctor


                        Re: KDE screensaver saga (again)!

                        Originally posted by LaneLester
                        The screensaver didn't work in 3.5.2, and it stil doesn't in 3.5.4.

                        After the set time elapses, the screen just goes black. The monitor is still getting a signal, though; it's not a power-down thing.

                        same for me.....

                        it doesnt even lock if i set it to after a set time.....
                        so i just use lock session when i am away.....


                          Re: KDE screensaver saga (again)!

                          Did you guys make sure your /usr/lib/ is executable?

                          Try >sudo chmod +x /usr/lib/



                            Re: KDE screensaver saga (again)!

                            Originally posted by nejode
                            [size=12pt]Did you guys make sure your /usr/lib/ is executable?
                            Thank you very much; that did the trick.

                            But how on earth would a user think such a thing is necessary?

                            Lane Lester
                            The Web Doctor


                              Re: KDE screensaver saga (again)!

                              Screen saver and power saving now work for me and values can be set..

                              However on close down they revert to the default values of blank screen and no power saving.


