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    I have tried in vain to get the Firefox Browser on my Kubuntu Dapper.
    1.I read that it it part of Kubuntu. But can't find it anywhere.
    2.Tried using apt-get / Adept to download it. All my repositories are unchecked and I have about 15000 packages which I can install. Alas, no package found for firefox.
    3.I downloaded the tar.gz package and unpacked to a firefox directory. All went fine till I tried running Firefox. It talked about a missing libgtk11 library. Again apt-get can't get me that library!!
    Any help would be appreciated.
    I have used linux for three years and had a perfectly good time with Red Hat. Just migrated to Kubuntu (curiosity!). If a total newbie got into this kind of a mess in installing one of the world's most popular browsers on his machine, he would just quit cold and run. I am totally surprised why Kubuntu could not ship with Mozilla Firefox or at least make it simple to install.

    Re: Firefox

    Kubuntu developers probably didn't have Firefox installed by default because it already has Konqueror as the web browser. AFAIK, the only reason that Ubuntu chose to use Firefox instead of Epiphany was because they needed the Gecko engine for Yelp (help center).

    Anyway, what do you mean by your repositories are "unchecked"? Could you please post the contents of /etc/apt/sources.list ?

    Or better yet, fire up Adept (K Menu > System). Go to the Adept menu (first menu to the left) and click on "Manage Repositories). You will see a list of your repositories. Make sure that this line isn't grayed out:

    deb dapper main restricted
    Where xx is for your local server (us, gb/uk, au, etc.) If it's grayed out, right-click on that line and choose "Enable". Then click on Apply at the bottom, and then on Close.
    Next, click on "Fetch Updates" in the toolbar. Once it's done fetching the updates, try to look for the package firefox, not mozilla-firefox.

    Hope that helps.
    Jucato's Data Core


      Re: Firefox

      I tried what you said, but it did not work. I was connected to the au.archive... repository.


        Re: Firefox

        Can you post the output of these two commands?
        sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude install firefox
        cat /etc/apt/sources.list
        Linux is ready for the desktop--but whose desktop?<br />How to install software in Kubuntu


          Re: Firefox

          sorry, my mistake - I had forgoten to connect the net cable It works fine. I installed all the updates and apps I needed. Thanks and sorry again.


            Re: Firefox

            Dear Jucato,
            Thanks a lot for your advice. I followed it and uncommneted the main restricted repository. I downoaded Firefox successfully and this post is through Firefox, thanks to you.


              Re: Firefox

              Glad to be of help.

              Now enjoy!
              Jucato&#39;s Data Core

