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KDE 3.5.4

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    KDE 3.5.4

    Is it available for Kubuntu yet?.....
    i havent been notified of an update yet.....

    Re: KDE 3.5.4

    It's available now. But the page has not been updated yet. Also, you might not want to upgrade to KDE 3.5.4 just yet.

    I just posted the announcement:

    EDIT: Updates to KDE or Amarok are not included into the main Ubuntu repositories (for reasons I don't know). Instead, special repositories are created for them. Add the repository to your sources.list in order to upgrade.

    However, I strongly do not recommend upgrading for now. Let's wait for an official green light from the Kubuntu devs.
    Jucato's Data Core


      Re: KDE 3.5.4

      According to this

      they fixed the broken screensaver.
      So make with the kubuntu packages kubutnu maintainer peeps so I can stop using my hack fix


        Re: KDE 3.5.4

        Originally posted by arizonagroovejet

        So make with the kubuntu packages kubutnu maintainer peeps
        Ah, I see they have and I guess that's what Jucato was refering to. To wait until it's mentioned on or to dive right in...


          Re: KDE 3.5.4

          i guess i will wait it out then.....
          i found out that i have those repositories but they werent enabled.....
          but i will wait till it is "safe".....

          btw, which repository is it in?.....


            Re: KDE 3.5.4

            Originally posted by someguyouknow
            btw, which repository is it in?.....
            There are Kubuntu packages at


            However, the file
            which I probably wouldn't have read unless I saw someone point it out, currently says

            ================================================== ===
            These packages contain a bug which stops /etc/kderc and therefor the kubuntu-default-settings files from being used.

            We do not know the cause of this bug but we currently do not advise upgrading to these packages.

            Jonathan Riddell 2006-08-01
            ================================================== ===

            so they're best left alone right now it seems.

            Found this info from a thread on


              Re: KDE 3.5.4

              What timing... I've just upgraded and the upgrade left my KDE install in a world of ****. I had to fix the desktop by hand (add K Menu, clock, trashbin, etc...) and now konqueror is all screwed up.

              So if they knew that the install broke everything, why put it online and announce it?


                Re: KDE 3.5.4

                Besides konqueror appearing all screwed up (toolbars and menu items are out of order and missing) it seems that this release fixes some glitches that the previous one had. For example, now the GTK apps finally appeared with the same fonts as KDE and KDE's font sizes are again as they should be in the first place.

                Shame for Konqueror, though. Maybe it has something to do with the config files. Does anyone know how to fix it?


                  Re: KDE 3.5.4

                  Originally posted by GreatBunzinni
                  So if they knew that the install broke everything, why put it online and announce it?
                  Maybe they announced it and then discovered the bug? The announcement page is at


                  and it does contain a warning about the bug. I can't find this page linked to from the kubuntu announcements page though so I dunno how people found it in the first place. Maybe it was linked and then the link pulled when the bug was foud. I found the page from another forum thread.

                  Does the screensaver work in 3.5.4?


                    Re: KDE 3.5.4

                    screensaver does work...yes


                      Re: KDE 3.5.4

                      Originally posted by arizonagroovejet
                      Maybe they announced it and then discovered the bug? The announcement page is at


                      and it does contain a warning about the bug. I can't find this page linked to from the kubuntu announcements page though so I dunno how people found it in the first place. Maybe it was linked and then the link pulled when the bug was foud. I found the page from another forum thread.
                      Nevertheless it sounds a bit silly. Knowingly distribute an update which breaks the previous install and without a fix in sight... It sounds a bit unreasonable.

                      Originally posted by arizonagroovejet
                      Does the screensaver work in 3.5.4?
                      I don't really know because I don't use it. I didn't even knew that it didn't worked in the previous release :$

                      About my konqueror problem, it seems that it only appears all screwed up when I launch it from the task bar icon (kfmclient openProfile filemanagement ) but when I launch it normally (konqueror) it appears as it should. Does anyone know what's making this happen?


                        Re: KDE 3.5.4

                        @arizonagroovejet: I "discovered" it from KDE News (

                        @Great Bunzinni: I've always had my GTK fonts use the KDE fonts (System Settings > Appearance > GTK Style and Fonts).

                        Also, they released it for those who might want to upgrade AND know how to go around the "bug":

                        We currently do not advise upgrading to them unless you are willing to work around this bug.
                        Probably some people (apart from the devs) would want to help in tracking down bugs ASAP. This would be for them.

                        The Konqueror default profiles (Kubuntu File Manager and Kubuntu Web) are part of the kubuntu-default-settings, which are the ones affected by this.
                        Jucato's Data Core


                          Re: KDE 3.5.4

                          It is not an update, it is an extra repository, that though it is created by a Kubuntu/KDE dev, they are not official packages, as in they won't be part of dapper (iirc). Like Amarok, and Koffice, it is a way to get the latest releases to us Kubuntu users, more of a perk imho.

                          That said, I have not yet dowloaded the new packages (relegated to dialup atm), but I would say that the kubuntu-default-settings isn't a "breakage" as K-D-S is simply Kubuntu's basic settings for KDE that differ from a "stock" KDE, such as Amarok's splash screen being turned off by default (amarok usually has it enabled). There is a heirarchy of settings that I believe runs this way:
                          Your own personal settings take first precedence, then K-D-S is second, then KDE's (or the relevent app's) stock settings are used.

                          I will install tonight, and see what needs to be worked around for this, tho I imagine the fix will be forthcoming

                          but it will take forever at 4.7 k/sec


                            Re: KDE 3.5.4

                            K-D-S isn't a "breakage" but it will not work properly in KDE 3.5.4 as of this moment.

                            From the KDE 3.5.4 announcemet page:
                            Important Note: these packages have a bug which stops kubuntu-default-settings from applying. We currently do not advise upgrading to them unless you are willing to work around this bug.
                            This would mean that unless you have customized those particular things which are still using K-D-S, you might end up with a not-so-working-perfectly system. K-D-S includes: the 2 Konqueror default profiles and some Service Menus, some MIME links, some icons (Crystal SVG) some Application configurations and settings.

                            Good luck claydoh! Let us know what happens. I'm not as brave as you are.
                            Jucato's Data Core


                              Re: KDE 3.5.4

                              I updated, a bit rashly I must admit, and now pretty much all the K apps I've tried are flawed in some way.

                              Ah well, I'll wait for a fix.

