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cant find any packages...

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    cant find any packages...

    Im just using kubuntu for the first time now (I previously used fedora, vector, and gentoo) and i cant seem to get the package manager to install anything.

    It all started when i tried running firefox (the package manager said it was already installed). There was no shortcut for it in the internet menu. and if i typed "firefox" or "mozilla-firefox" into the terminal it would report that its not a command. So i thought maybe if i uninstalled firefox then reinstalled it, it would show up. Well i uninstalled it (via the package manager) but now when i search for it with adept it wont show up. In fact as soon as i type "moz" in the search box, NOTHING shows up

    also i tried compiling some other programs and was told that i needed a compiler. I saw another post saying that i needed to install build-essential, BUT when i looked in adept for it....again nothing. What am i doing wrong? (FYI this is a fresh install of the newest available live/install DVD)

    Re: cant find any packages...

    Launch Adept (K Menu > System), go to the Adept menu and click on Manage Repositories. Check to see if these lines are grayed out:

    deb dapper main restricted
    deb-src dapper main restricted

    deb dapper universe
    deb-src dapper universe

    deb dapper-updates main restricted
    deb-src dapper-updates main restricted

    deb dapper-updates universe
    deb-src http:/ dapper-updates universe

    deb dapper-security main restricted
    deb-src dapper-security main

    deb dapper-security universe
    deb-src dapper-security universe
    If they are, right-click on the those grayed-out lines, and choose Enable. Then click on Apply, then Close, then Fetch Updates.
    Jucato's Data Core


      Re: cant find any packages...

      You might just want to make sure that on the lines with
      deb(or deb-src) http://ph.archive.ubuntu.etcetcetc

      you remove the ph part so that it just says
      deb(or deb-src) http://archive.ubuntu.etcetcetc

      Unless, of course, you live in the Phillipines. We can't have lots of people downloading stuff from there and slowing Jucato down. He's far too valuable.


      I wish I was the man my dog thinks I am.<br /><br />Registered Linux User No. 402825


        Re: cant find any packages...

        Oops... dang! I knew I forgot something!

        Editing my previous post...
        Jucato&#39;s Data Core


          Re: cant find any packages...

          haha thanks guys, i actually had added a lot of them via another tutorial but my critical mistake was forgetting to hit the update button! DOH!

          I still cant seem to find the kdeartwork3 packages......any reason why those arent showing up?

          (i really like the pong screensaver in there. I used to use it on my gentoo machine, but I just recenrtly put kubuntu on my lappy)


            Re: cant find any packages...

            probably because there is no kdeartwork3 package? Only package I see is kdeartwork. (no "3")
            Jucato&#39;s Data Core


              Re: cant find any packages...

              I did some googling looking for that pong screensaver and i saw a site that said it was part of kdeartwork3. I had it on my gentoo box and on my laptopt when i had vector linux on it. Any idea what package it could be a part of? (its the pong one that also has the effects applied to make it look like its being viewed on a really old TV

