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Installing kppp

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    Installing kppp

    While working on my kppp, I messed it up and decided to uninstall and reinstall it. The uninstall went fine using Adept. But now I can't re-install kppp. I have added the Dapper Drake cdrom to the list of repositories. But when I click request install, nothing happen. Tried it as root using apt-get install kppp. Again nothing happens.
    Please tell me if it is possible to install kppp from the cd or will I have to re-install Dapper Drake?
    Thank you.

    Re: Installing kppp

    I would comment out your CDROM and reinstall from the net, if you have internetnet access without kppp. You may not even need internet access, because the package should be saved in you package cache already. By the way, did you add the Dapper CDROM with apt-cdrom?


      Re: Installing kppp

      Thanks for the advice. I can connect to the net through a lan connection and try to download kppp. Any idea which repository has this package? Or I might even re-install kubuntu. Where are the packages in my cache and how do I install from there?
      Yes, I did use apt-cdrom to add my cdrom to the repository. Is that the correct method?
      I would appreciate any suggestions.


        Re: Installing kppp

        I believe kppp is in main. In Synaptic, you find it under networking. To install a package that you've already downloaded, just hit install (or use "sudo apt-get install" from a konsole). Apt-cdrom is the ONLY way to add a CDROM to your repository list, but it's customary to disable it as soon as you've installed, so that you will use the online repositories which may have newer (bug-fixed) versions of the official (K)Ubuntu packages.


          Re: Installing kppp

          Thanks for all your help. I decided to reinstall kubuntu and got my kppp back. I am still having problems with my modem for which I have written another post.
          Thanks very much.

