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what happened to the menu?..... (fixed)

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    Re: what happened to the menu?.....

    thats odd.....
    i see it.....
    here it is again.....

    btw, thanks for all you help so far.....
    even if i am not able to fix the problem, you gave it your best effort and i appreciate that.....


      Re: what happened to the menu?.....

      Yes there is a difference. My file manager page has a fourth tab labeled "Quick Copy and Move", exactly as described in the quote in your fourth post, (By the way, where did that come from?) so I'm beginning to think that there's something strange about your KDE configuration files. The only problem is that, as you must have seen when making the change that stopped the first-time wizard from appearing, there are A LOT of configuration files, and your .kde/share/config/ directory isn't the only place where they can be found. Frankly, I'm not sure where to begin.


        Re: what happened to the menu?.....

        kinda figured something was wrong.....
        well..... i am not worried about it right now.....
        might do a fresh install if things get messy.....
        i am hearing good things about MEPIS too.....

        thanks anyways.....


          Re: what happened to the menu?.....

          This is really strange...

          But what's stranger is that I remember having posted a solution to a slightly similar problem (Konqueror not displaying the "Copy to.../Move to..." service menus. Now I can't seem to remember where/when I posted it...

          I'm scouriong the net for my posts. Hopefully I find them before my eyes drop...
          Jucato's Data Core


            Re: what happened to the menu?.....

            Originally posted by Jucato
            This is really strange...

            But what's stranger is that I remember having posted a solution to a slightly similar problem (Konqueror not displaying the "Copy to.../Move to..." service menus. Now I can't seem to remember where/when I posted it...

            I'm scouriong the net for my posts. Hopefully I find them before my eyes drop...
            no luck?.....

            remember if it had to do with a configuration file?.....
            it is saving my configurations as long as i dont use the kpersonalizer at boot.....


              Re: what happened to the menu?.....

              Sorry... no luck. Can't seem to find it...
              Jucato's Data Core


                Re: what happened to the menu?.....

                no worries.....

                thanks for looking!!!


                  Re: what happened to the menu?.....

                  I forgot to ask, have you tried making a new "dummy" user and see if it's experiencing the same problems (right-click menu, missing KControl tab, etc.) If everything seems fine for that user, then it's definitely a configuration in your user (only). If the dummy user has the same problems, the issue might be system wide.

                  Btw, you run kpersonalizer at boot?
                  Jucato's Data Core


                    Re: what happened to the menu?.....

                    i dont run kpersonalizer.....
                    it does by itself.....
                    i have read that other users are having the same problem with the update.....
                    but this problem was before then.....

                    yep..... its a system wide problem.....


                      Re: what happened to the menu?.....

                      for the KPersonalizer problem, have you tried removing it from /usr/share/autostart (if it's there)?
                      Jucato's Data Core


                        Re: what happened to the menu?.....

                        not there.....

                        dont worry about it, you have done more than enough to help me out.....


                          Re: what happened to the menu?.....

                          Yeah, but I would have felt better if I was able to really help solve the problem.
                          Jucato's Data Core


                            Re: what happened to the menu?.....

                            its all good....
                            i learned some things anyway so i didnt come away empty handed.....


                              Re: what happened to the menu?.....

                              FIXED IT!!!!!

                              prolly not the right way or the best way but the menu problem is fixed.....
                              i just re-installed kde with adept.....
                              i am thinking that it pulled the update from one of the unofficial repositories so i disable all of them.....

