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what happened to the menu?..... (fixed)

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    what happened to the menu?..... (fixed)

    i am missing some options on the right click menu for items on the desktop.....
    i use to be able to right click and copy or move items to another location but now i am not able to.....
    any help?.....

    Re: what happened to the menu?.....

    It still works for me, so I can't reproduce your problem. Is your panel full? (Actually, you should be able to move icons around, even in that case).


      Re: what happened to the menu?.....

      its not that i cant move icons and items on the desktop, its that the menu to move/copy items from any location to another is gone.....
      this is how the right click menu looks now.....

      before there was no share option and in its place were the options to copy a file to another location or move a file to another location.....

      it seems trivial but i actual use those options a lot.....


        Re: what happened to the menu?.....

        anyone know the solution?.....

        i got this from the debian forums but i dont see these options in system settings.....

        "Take a look in Control Centre > KDE Components > File Manager > Quick Copy and Move (Tab), and check 'Show "Copy To" and "Move To" entries in context menus""


          Re: what happened to the menu?.....

          I'm sorry, I didn't understand your problem. At least, I can interpret the advice you got from the Debian folks.

          Try this: Right click on the desktop. Click "run command". Enter "kcontrol" (this is the KDE app that Kubuntu hides). In the left hand column of the window that pops up, click KDE components. Notice that It is NOT the same menu as the one you get from System Settings. It is a richer menu, in particular, it does have a File Manager entry. Now you can follow the Debian instructions.

          Which debian forums were you looking at?


            Re: what happened to the menu?.....

            i dont see that option so maybe its not on kubuntu.....

            my question is kinda hard to explain but you would see better if you tried it.
            right click a file and look at the menu. near the bottom there are two options. one is for moving a file to another location and other is to copy it to another location.

            i had those two options until recently when they "disappeared" and i dont know how to get them back.


              Re: what happened to the menu?.....

              I understood your problem after reading your third post. That's why I told you how to use the REAL kcontrol program (as distinct from Kubuntu's System Settings) to restore the copy and move options. Those options DO exist in my Kcontrol. Are you saying that they don't exist in yours.

              Another thought, have you upgraded to KDE 3.5.4 There was a warning about that.


                Re: what happened to the menu?.....

                i upgraded to 3.5.4
                but the problem was before that.....
                i havent had problems with 3.5.4 yet.....

                they are there?.....
                maybe i missed it.....


                  Re: what happened to the menu?.....

                  The fact that 3.5.4 is now available from the Official repos would seem to indicate that the problem has been fixed. Basically, 3.5.4 seemed to lose some configuration flles. That was why I thought that might be your problem.


                    Re: what happened to the menu?.....

                    i dont know.....
                    maybe i am doing something wrong cause kcontrol looks the same as system settings to me. but then again, i am a noob and dont know much about this stuff. :P

                    oh and about 3.5.4, there is a slight problem. whenever i restart, the KDE configuration prompt comes up even though i went through the wizard several times already. if i do it, it goes back to the original themes and icons. if i cancel, all is fine.

                    its not a big deal to me since i rarely restart my computer.


                      Re: what happened to the menu?.....

                      I'm confused. On both of my Kubuntu computers (an AMD64 running KDE3.5.4, and a 686 running KDE3.5.3) kcontrol looks very different from System Settings and Kcontrol has the "KDE components">"File Manager">"Quick Copy and Move" screens and "System Settings" doesn't.

                      You also shouldn't see the First Time Configuration Wizard mmore than once. and your selections should be saved to the disk. You can make kpersonalizer stop showing up by editing the file /home/someguyyouknow/.kde/share/config/startupconfig file. Set kpersonalizerrc_general_firstlogin="false".


                        Re: what happened to the menu?.....

                        i dunno.....
                        here is mine.....
                        [img width=400 height=345][/img]


                          Re: what happened to the menu?.....


                            Re: what happened to the menu?.....

                            does yours look like that with more options or is it completely different?.....


                              Re: what happened to the menu?.....

                              I have no idea. My question marks were due to the fact that I don't see any link on your post.

