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Kaffeine & DVD Playback

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    Kaffeine & DVD Playback

    I'm running kubuntu on a 500MHz G3 iMacDVSE and, now that I have the right lib files installed to watch DVD playback, I've noticed that it's choppy. My CD/DVDROM drive is a 24x and I only have 8MB VRAM (soldered on, so no upgrading). I've tried running the DVDs through the embedded MPlayer engine in Kaffeine and the frame rates are better, but it's still a bit choppy. Is there anything I can do to maximize my DVD playback? While using the Kaffeine engine, I've adjusted the deinterlacing settings to High and above, which help the frame rates and such, but then my sound goes bye-bye. Any help would be greatly appreciated.



    Re: Kaffeine & DVD Playback

    dma is off (jumpy play)
    How to speed up CD/DVD-ROM

    Note ! In kubuntu (kde) use kate, kwrite, nano... not gedit (gnome).

    What is your CPU load ?

    Using Kaffeine:
    At my Athlon XP 2500 CPU load rises too high, about 80 %(drops sound after 2 sec).

    Solution-> CTRL I (Deinterlacing), move slide from VERY VERY HIGH CPU USAGE to the MEDIUM CPU USAGE.
    Before you edit, BACKUP !

    Why there are dead links ?
    1. Thread: Please explain how to access old kubuntu forum posts
    2. Thread: Lost Information


      Re: Kaffeine & DVD Playback

      CPU load on Medium is well over 80%.  I went ahead and performed the steps from the link you provided, but video is still choppy (possibly due to high CPU usage, I'm guessing). 

      I did notice that in that file there were some CDROM commands that were commented out (/dev/cdroms/cd0 or something like that).  Would I need to adjust those at all?

      Still choppy video w/ deinterlacing set at very low.

      UPDATE: I noticed in the Xine engine settings that the settings for reducing drive speed was set to 4, so I've increased that to 24, but still w/out much improvement. For some reason, Kaffeine just uses anywhere between 59-80+% of my CPU for DVD (and audio CD) playback. Guess it's time to look for another player....

