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KDE Transparency VS. Full Screen Video

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    KDE Transparency VS. Full Screen Video

    I have recently started playing with the transparency settings under the Window Behavior options in KDE 3.5.3. I have edited my xorg.conf as found in howto's online, and it all runs smoothly except for a couple of things that I will detail below:

    I use vlc for watching video but have encountered a problem. When I make the video go fullscreen, and then make the window smaller again, the KDE desktop appears darker than normal. If I were to repeat this process, it slowly gets darker and darker until the screen is completely black. It requires logging out and back in to restore the screen to its normal brightness.

    Also, my superkaramba widgets blink (sorry, cant find a better way to describe it) under the video.

    I have attached my xorg.conf

    The following are screenshots of my current settings from kcontrol pertaining to the transparency.
    [img width=400 height=323][/img]

    [img width=400 height=323][/img]

    [img width=400 height=323][/img]

    Thanks in advance for any advise you can offer. this is maddening!
    Attached Files

    Re: KDE Transparency VS. Full Screen Video

    the compositing is still relatively new and untested, so it may be purely a bug related to that feature.

    The only thing you may try is to disable the line:
    Load  dri
    in your xorg.conf, as your nvidia drivers use their own dri. It may not help with your problem but it may prevent conflicts from running 2 different dri's.


      Re: KDE Transparency VS. Full Screen Video

      Thanks for catching that. I should have remembered that myself!

      I have also found that I experience the "blinking" when using vlc in fullscreen mode while in gnome with gdesklets as well. XFCE with gdesklets doesnt do it as long as I enable the "always on top" option in vlc...however, when I try to go from full screen to a smaller window, the video just freezes in fullscreen and I have to kill the X server to get out of it.

