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Mozilla Firefox Help!!

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    Mozilla Firefox Help!!

    I just downloaded Kubuntu as a previous user of Ubuntu and I can't find a way to download Mozilla Firefox. I tried going to their website but all they gave me was a tar.gz file and I don't know how to handle that file...or any file for that matter. So would someone please help me download Firefox onto Kubuntu? I am running 6.06. Thank you!!!

    Re: Mozilla Firefox Help!!

    Go to Adept and search for firefox in the filter.

    Alternatively, go to KMenu > System > Konsole and paste this command in:
    sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude install firefox
    The other option is to use this install script to get the Mozilla version (as opposed to the Ubuntu version).
    Linux is ready for the desktop--but whose desktop?<br />How to install software in Kubuntu


      Re: Mozilla Firefox Help!!

      Originally posted by aysiu
      Go to Adept and search for firefox in the filter.

      Alternatively, go to KMenu > System > Konsole and paste this command in:
      sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude install firefox
      The other option is to use this install script to get the Mozilla version (as opposed to the Ubuntu version).
      Trying to get firefox in Adept results in a red "BREAK (install)" message. Does this eventually get fixed ?


        Re: Mozilla Firefox Help!!

        Hmm... that's not supposed to happen. What error messages do you get when you use aptitude/apt-get to install firefox (just don't confirm the installation, just copy-paste whatever error message appears).
        Jucato&#39;s Data Core


          Re: Mozilla Firefox Help!!

          okay everyone thank you for your input, but i figured out how to do it. basically all i had to do was update my repository list and then go to the terminal and say:
          sudo apt-get install firefox
          and that was it. but thank you once again for your time


            Re: Mozilla Firefox Help!!

            Originally posted by aysiu
            Go to Adept and search for firefox in the filter.

            Alternatively, go to KMenu > System > Konsole and paste this command in:
            sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude install firefox
            The other option is to use this install script to get the Mozilla version (as opposed to the Ubuntu version).
            i tried it but when i click on the firefox executable file it doesn't start.

