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[resolved] What/where are the "kde includes"?

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    [resolved] What/where are the "kde includes"?

    Hi all,
    I've been trying to install Rosegarden ( (midi & audio sequencer etc) from source (because the current version is too new for adept to pick up on it).

    My linux mentor says I need to install kde-devel or kdebase-dev from adept. Fine, I can find both of them, but request install results in the "requested" action being BREAK (Install) in both cases. Any clues why, or what else I could do to fix the following problem (encountered during installing according to the readme).

    btw I have already already installed the build-essential.

    The readme says, use scons (substitute for make): i do as it says (and a whole lot more), but I'm stuck here. Command is:
    scons configure debug=1 qtdir=/usr/lib/qt3/
    output is:
    scons: Reading SConscript files ...
    ** Enabling debug for the project **
    Checking for kde-config      : kde-config was found as /usr/bin/kde-config
    Checking for kde version     : 3.5.3
    Checking for the qt library    : qt is in /usr/lib/qt3/[/color=Green]
    Checking for uic         : uic was found as /usr/bin/uic
    Checking for moc         : moc was found as /usr/bin/moc
    Checking for the qt includes   : the qt headers were found in /usr/include/qt3/
    Checking for the kde includes   : The kde includes were NOT found
    I've checked /usr/include/kde : it has two folders (kftpgrabber and kunittest) with one file each in them; /usr/local/include is empty; but apart from that, I cannot figure out what to do. Any clues?

    Re: What/where are the "kde includes"?

    Install 'kdelibs4-dev' (it will probably install some depencies with it)


      Re: What/where are the "kde includes"?

      Adept threatens to BREAK (install) with kdelibs4-dev as well.
      I'd love to know how serious the "BREAK" is, and what's causing it (altho an immediate solution is higher on my wishlist )

      Edit: I've also tried using apt-get to simulate getting kdelibs4-dev; this doesn't work either. It needs (but does not get) libarts1-dev, which needs (but does not get) libartsc0-dev. At the end of the pre-requisite trail is
      The following packages have unmet dependencies:
       libartsc0-dev: Depends: libartsc0 (= 1.5.2-0ubuntu1) but 1.5.3-0ubuntu0.1 is to be installed
      E: Broken packages
      while simulating the install of libartsc0-dev. libartsc0 is already installed (according to adept, which i'm inclined to trust).


        Re: What/where are the "kde includes"?

        Let me rephrase my question: What are the kde includes? what do they do? i think i know where I'm meant to get them from (but can't...)

        Sorry to, as they put it, "bump my own thread", but i just realised that the answer may be out there somewhere, if only i knew what other words I could type into the search engines...


          Re: What/where are the "kde includes"?

          Originally posted by algorhythm
          Let me rephrase my question: What are the kde includes?
          They are libraries needed to compile software for kde

          Originally posted by algorhythm
          I've also tried using apt-get to simulate getting kdelibs4-dev; this doesn't work either.  It needs (but does not get) libarts1-dev, which needs (but does not get) libartsc0-dev. At the end of the pre-requisite trail is
          The following packages have unmet dependencies:
            libartsc0-dev: Depends: libartsc0 (= 1.5.2-0ubuntu1) but 1.5.3-0ubuntu0.1 is to be installed
          E: Broken packages
          while simulating the install of libartsc0-dev.  libartsc0 is already installed (according to adept, which i'm inclined to trust).
          There seems to be your problem, the version of 'libartsc0-dev' it's trying to install seems to be an old one (and therefore depends on older packages)

          Doublecheck your /etc/apt/sources.list, especially your kde 3.5.3 repository (where the arts 1.5.3 packages are)

          You should have a line like this:
          deb dapper main
          or this:
          deb dapper main

          don't forget to 'Fetch Updates' if you change something


            Re: What/where are the "kde includes"?

            Thankyou kubicle, that has fixed my problem . I had no kubuntu or kde references in my repositories list at all (only ubuntu...). Once again, a bejillion thanks

            _edit_: scons is still not (i don't think) installing rosegarden for me: I've gotten to the stage where there are _no_ error messages, but I can't start or even find the application once the install is done... I'll post a more concrete question if i think of one .

            _edit_: sheepish to the max. It had taken me so long and so much hassle to get the configuration to work that I had forgotten about building the targets (um... is that what it's called? running 'scons' (equivalent to 'make')) or running the install... ... I should try to solve more problems in the wee hours of the morning when I get back from gigs. I often solve problems that turn out to have been not going back to basics...

