Hi all,
I've been trying to install Rosegarden (http://www.rosegardenmusic.com) (midi & audio sequencer etc) from source (because the current version is too new for adept to pick up on it).
My linux mentor says I need to install kde-devel or kdebase-dev from adept. Fine, I can find both of them, but request install results in the "requested" action being BREAK (Install) in both cases. Any clues why, or what else I could do to fix the following problem (encountered during installing according to the readme).
btw I have already already installed the build-essential.
The readme says, use scons (substitute for make): i do as it says (and a whole lot more), but I'm stuck here. Command is:
output is:
I've checked /usr/include/kde : it has two folders (kftpgrabber and kunittest) with one file each in them; /usr/local/include is empty; but apart from that, I cannot figure out what to do. Any clues?
I've been trying to install Rosegarden (http://www.rosegardenmusic.com) (midi & audio sequencer etc) from source (because the current version is too new for adept to pick up on it).
My linux mentor says I need to install kde-devel or kdebase-dev from adept. Fine, I can find both of them, but request install results in the "requested" action being BREAK (Install) in both cases. Any clues why, or what else I could do to fix the following problem (encountered during installing according to the readme).
btw I have already already installed the build-essential.
The readme says, use scons (substitute for make): i do as it says (and a whole lot more), but I'm stuck here. Command is:
scons configure debug=1 qtdir=/usr/lib/qt3/
scons: Reading SConscript files ... ** Enabling debug for the project ** Checking for kde-config : kde-config was found as /usr/bin/kde-config Checking for kde version : 3.5.3 Checking for the qt library : qt is in /usr/lib/qt3/[/color=Green] Checking for uic : uic was found as /usr/bin/uic Checking for moc : moc was found as /usr/bin/moc Checking for the qt includes : the qt headers were found in /usr/include/qt3/ Checking for the kde includes : The kde includes were NOT found