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Amarok cant play mp3's after upgrade [Solved]

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    Amarok cant play mp3's after upgrade [Solved]

    I did a upgrade yesterday. I think it was Xorg that was updated. Now when I try to play a mp3 in Amarok it says "No suitable demux plugin.". I have no idea of what to do.
    I have all the codecs that I need installed (atleast I think so becuase it worked perfectly yesterday). I really hope that anyone of you knows what I should do, becuase I dont want to do a full reinstall of kubuntu now when I have set it up perfectly for my needs.

    Re: Can't play MP3 or any other music files after apt-get upgrade.

    Might just try to remove and then install Amarok. Are you using the latest version (1.4.1)?


      Re: Can't play MP3 or any other music files after apt-get upgrade.

      Thanks for the reply, it didnt work though.
      I tried playing mp3's with mplayer and that did work so there is nothing wrong with the codecs.
      Annoying cos amarok sure is the best music player atm.


        Re: Can't play MP3 or any other music files after apt-get upgrade.

        As I heard on bugs.kde bug 128256, they say it's because of crapped xine-library of kubuntu. I'm now compiling the newest xine-lib myself in order to find out, if I can get my amarok to play streams again
        I'll update later, what happened...


          Re: Can't play MP3 or any other music files after apt-get upgrade.

          That worked! Compiled xine-libs and amarok (in /usr/local).

          In the meantime other posts say, updating amarok would help, but not in my case anyway...


            Re: Can't play MP3 or any other music files after apt-get upgrade.

            Would you please tell what you've done. In steps if thats ok. Im not only a user in need im a semi noob in need too. =)


              Re: Can't play MP3 or any other music files after apt-get upgrade.

              I think that compiling is unnecessarily difficult. I know that you have Amarok 1.4.1 installed, but the inability to play streams is likely linked to a problem with your xine engine. You can use Adept to install a host of xine-related software. Make sure that you have amarok-xine, libarts1-xine, libxine-extracodecs, and libxine-main1 installed.

              Incidentally, using Automatix for Kubuntu is a great way to get multimedia programs running. It automates much (though it doesn't use Amarok uses Amarok 1.4...but just don't check that when running Automatix).

              With these xine programs installed and with the engine set to xine in Amarok, everything should work.


                Re: Can't play MP3 or any other music files after apt-get upgrade.

                I was hoping that it would work, but all the packages was already installed.
                I've searched some on google though and there is a bug report about this on one page. The sad thing is that there seems to be no workaround. Atleast they havent listed any.


                  Re: Can't play MP3 or any other music files after apt-get upgrade.

                  Is it possible to downgrade amarok to a earlier release?


                    Re: Can't play MP3 or any other music files after apt-get upgrade.

                    Sorry, I did not even try to install new amarok yesterday
                    Now I upgraded to 1.4.1 and it's working *shame-on-me*

                    So, Leonin you must upgrade to 1.4.1 (put "deb dapper main" to your sources list and update / reinstall amarok)


                      Re: Can't play MP3 or any other music files after apt-get upgrade.

                      If it only were that easy. The sad thing is that i'm already using Amarok 1.4.1.
                      Good thinking though and glad you solved your problem.


                        Re: Can't play MP3 or any other music files after apt-get upgrade. Amarok Proble

                        Can anyone of you list all the names on video/audio packages out there (thats needed). Maybe some odd package is missing.

                        [edit update]
                        I just found out that I cant play mp3's with Xine (the program). So there must be something wrong with the xine engine. Ive tried to uninstall and reinstall several times withot any luck. Are there any config file that I can look into and change for my needs?


                          Re: Can't play MP3 or any other music files after apt-get upgrade. Amarok Proble

                          Yay I think I solved it.
                          I used the "patch" from this post.

