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Runaway kded process

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    Runaway kded process

    I've been experiencing issues with kded for a long time now and I thought after several upgrades it would go away but it hasn't. The problem occurs when I boot into KDE many times (most times) the kded process runs with upwards of 90%-98% of the CPU and several KDE apps misbehave. Kopete will not log into my AIM account, KMail hangs, and my windows mapped hotkeys become non-functional. (I map WinKey+Arrow key combos for switiching my desktop with the D switcher.) I normally kill the runaway process from system gaurd and restart it from the command line using "nohup kded > /dev/null &" then everything seems to be ok from there. It has become a pain lately because even after restarting sometimes things still don't work right. Is this a known bug? Are there any patches or workarounds? The bug followed me from Mepis where I first saw it through all of my upgrades of KDE and Kubuntu since Hoary. What's the deal?

    Re: Runaway kded process

    Have you tried booting into init 3 instead of 5, that way you cam drop out of X and get back in again with startx?
    You can kill the runaway process with

    sudo kill -9 some_process
    Dont pretend you havent noticed my cardboard box, Julia, because I know you have!


      Re: Runaway kded process

      Apologies for the late reply but no I don't need to drop out of X to kill kded. (Maybe I'm misunderstanding you?) I want to know why this is happening in the first place. I'm going to try the latest KDE release and see if that fixes things. I'm betting it won't since the last 3-4 releases all had the same bug.

