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kubuntu and large files

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    kubuntu and large files

    Hi everyone, I have this large file (size 3.99 GB) on one of my windows xp partitions. Its actually a DVD image file. Windows keeps it happily there , but when I start kubuntu it performs a disk checkup (after mounting the windows partition containing this file) and displays an error and fixes it by truncating this file to 0 bytes . When I boot up again using windows xp and perform a checkdisk it is again converted to its previous size. The DVD image file is error free (I can mount and play it even after this truncation and restoration cycles). My question is, is this some maximum file size limit related with kubuntu (or linux in general)?

    Re: kubuntu and large files


    FAT32 has a max file size limit of 4 GB.

    Ext3 and NTFS do not.

    How is your NTFS partition mounted?
    Linux is ready for the desktop--but whose desktop?<br />How to install software in Kubuntu


      Re: kubuntu and large files

      Hi aysiu, I have only FAT32 partitions under windows xp (no NTFS). I think I have found out something. The actual DVD had size > 4 GB and when I used the DVD imaging software to create an image it actually created it in two parts (one with size 3.99GB and the other with size 305MB) so that the FAT32 limit could be overcome. There is no problem with that image file under FAT32 when running windows xp but kubuntu thinks that its an error and tries to fix it (maybe kubuntu has rounded 3.99GB to 4GB and found it as an error). Is there some way to overcome this as this file is not causing problems under windows xp. The solution that I am using now is by disabling the mounting of this partition at kubuntu startup(and as a result i cant access files in this partition).


        Re: kubuntu and large files

        Originally posted by kubuntu_user
        Is there some way to overcome this as this file is not causing problems under windows xp. The solution that I am using now is by disabling the mounting of this partition at kubuntu startup(and as a result i cant access files in this partition).
        Edit the appropiate fstab line so that it ends in '0' instead of '2'...this should disable boot time fsck-check for that partition


          Re: kubuntu and large files

          Thank you kubicle, that solved the problem .

