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Thunderbird - New Email Sound

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    Thunderbird - New Email Sound

    Anyone using TB who has successfully enabled "new email" sound (either system new mail or custom wav file) please contact. Using latest TB with Kubuntu 6.0.6 but unable to get sound working.

    Also unable to locate so called "System new mail Sound".

    HELP PLEASE !!!!

    P.S. - The TB forum has been a dead loss
    [img width=400 height=96][/img] <br />The surest sign that intelligent life exists elsewhere in the universe is that it has never tried to contact us<br />&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; [i]Bill Watterson

    Re: Thunderbird - New Email Sound

    Hi, Nibiruet,

    I have a .wav file working successfully (Homer Simpson - the mail, the mail is here - ooohhh) in T/Bird in Dapper 6.06.

    This is what I did. I hope my careful explanation doesn't seem like I'm talking down to you. I don't know your level of experience.

    In Thunderbird :-

    Under "When new mail arrives" tick "play a sound".
    Click Advanced and then "Custom .wav file" and then browse to where you have your .wav file stored.
    OK, Close, then restart T/Bird and you should be away.

    Hope this is what you were after,
    I wish I was the man my dog thinks I am.<br /><br />Registered Linux User No. 402825


      Re: Thunderbird - New Email Sound

      Thanks, appreciate it.

      However, have tried that and even selected different wav files to eliminate problem , if any, with wav file but no luck.

      Chose "use system sound" but that did not work either.

      Unable to locate an email "System Sound" in systems settings for KDE under notifications. Have everything else like Kopete etc all working great with sound.
      [img width=400 height=96][/img] <br />The surest sign that intelligent life exists elsewhere in the universe is that it has never tried to contact us<br />&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; [i]Bill Watterson


        Re: Thunderbird - New Email Sound

        I also have a problem with thunderbird not playing sound. I used to be able to fix this by calling thunderbird using "artsd":

        $ artsd mozilla-thunderbird
        Unfortunately, this no longer works.

        The package I have installed is

        Thunderbird seems to be configured to use /usr/bin/esd to play its sounds. Here's what I get when I run thunderbird from the console and select "Preview Sound" from Edit->Preferences->General->Advanced:

        /bin/sh: /usr/bin/esd: No such file or directory
        /bin/sh: /usr/bin/esd: No such file or directory
        RIFF  WAVEfmt �data  {tv~pej~zzlkq|w}qiv~zwyzxx|qlnv|�Ѩ|y}v.
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        /usr/bin/esd is the Gnome way of doing sound; I imagine this works flawlessly in Gnome I wish the mozilla packages weren't so Gnome centric.

        So it seems clear that the problem is that Thunderbird is sending sound data to /usr/bin/esd, which isn't there. Does someone know how to get Thunderbird to talk to artsd? Possibly "artscat" might be utilized...


