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64 bit vs i686

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    64 bit vs i686

    I'm having problems with Kubuntu (see topic "programs won't start"). One of the solutions I thought of is to start using Kubuntu 64bit. I have a computer with AMD 3700+ 64 bit, 2 giga memory etc so I have the "clout". I am now using i686 with the problems described in the previous discussion. I'm not sure whether those problems are or aren't related to the i686 version. SO
    I would like to start a discussion hearing the advantages AND disadvantages of such a move. For example I read on some forum that there are applications that won't work on 64bit.

    Re: 64 bit vs i686


    Yes it's true, you will have few things which will not work, or will not be as much up-to-date as in i686...
    For now, I'm using a 64bits version of kubuntu, because I want to take all the power from my processor For me it's really fast, compared to my other computers, maybe also because it's a X2...
    Anyway, all usual programs are here (at least for me), just flash and java plugin are missing (I guess I would be able to get java if I really would like and a guy on the forum said you can get flash also but it's little bit hard to do...)
    So maybe tell us what are your main applications...



      Re: 64 bit vs i686

      My main stuff is Photography and it's computer advantages. I am pretty new to Linux as a permanent user but have used many windows photo programs. I bought this computer with the specs I mentioned especially for Photographic use. Of course I use the web, mail, spreadsheets, writer etc. & moved almost entirely to using Kubuntu. Hopefully I can have a reasonable learning curve and stay with Linux. I certainly want to!!


        Re: 64 bit vs i686

        For all this stuff, I think you will not find differences between programs available for 64bits and i686, so why not moving to 64
        Maybe to try, you can first install a new 64bits on a separate partition and if everything goes well, you can move the main one to 64bits (I guess you will need to reinstall)



          Re: 64 bit vs i686

          Thanks. Will try. It'll take a while as I'm waiting for the CD with the 64 bit Kubuntu from shipit.

