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Amarok Sound issues

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    Amarok Sound issues

    Ok my sound card is detected perfectly and i can hear sounds that happen on windows etc like in kmix when you goto about hardware i hear a ding kinda noise, but if i use any program that plays mp3's etc it does not play sound, any ideas on this as it worked fine with my laptop.

    Re: Amarok Sound issues

    You need to enable a few more repositories, so you can find and install, w32codecs, libxine-extracodecs and libdvdcss2.

    Go here and generate a list of repos.


      Re: Amarok Sound issues

      Automatix can also install the multimedia stuff -- it might be a bit less confusing if you're new to apt-get and stuff. Whichever you prefer.



        Re: Amarok Sound issues

        True, but I like to learn how to do things manually, I just came from windows and while I agree Automatix is a very good app, if you come to rely on this type of app you will not learn how to do things yourself.

        Just my opinion, though. Everyone has free choice on how they wish to do things, however.


          Re: Amarok Sound issues

          Ok, I ve kind of the same problem.

          I try to listen online radios. Example: .I am fanatic of radio paradise, but no app seems to open it.

          Amarok 4.1 gives all sign of doing it "reproducing" says, but actually no sound at all. No bars movement as if there were any soung being reproduced.

          I installed xmms and no problem with mp3 files, but xmms are unable to open radios on line.

          The rest of sounds of kde are ok, but just can not listen to my favorite radio.

          I think Automatix does a great job, only that I dont want to d/l so many things.

          Hope sb can give a hand.


            Re: Amarok Sound issues

            As I said before, you are missing a few files, "libdvdcss2", "w32codecs", and "libxine-extracodecs".
            These are not included in the the distro because they are proprietary codecs.

            These are the repositories you will need to enable:
            "deb dapper freenon-free"
            "deb dapper universemultiverse"

            Open up Kmenu/System/Adept then click on "view" then manage repositories.

            Then down the bottom you will see a text box, cut and paste the repository address (without the quotation marks) then click "add".
            (Note: in the second repository address you can change the "au" to the letter code of your country, to use a closer repository)
            Once you have added both then click "accept" and "fetch updates"

            Now you should be able to search for the three files you need and install them.

            You will probably find that there will be some new upgrades available as well, and I would suggest checking out source-o-matic, the link is in my previous reply.


              Re: Amarok Sound issues


              Many thanks for your reply.
              In fact all three packages are already installed, and of course I've checked this as you indicated.

              Still no DVD playback! Strange, is not it?



                Re: Amarok Sound issues

                Hi, i got mp3's to play now but the sound quality is aful, i dont know is it the codec or what, is there any way to test is it just mp3's or the driver,
                any ideas howto fix this i used teh automatic thing


                  Re: Amarok Sound issues

                  Originally posted by kaya

                  Many thanks for your reply.
                  In fact all three packages are already installed, and of course I've checked this as you indicated.

                  Still no DVD playback! Strange, is not it?

                  kaya: What media player are you using?

                  2shae: You could test the mp3's themselves by playing them on a different computer. And what media player are you using to play them?




                    Re: Amarok Sound issues

                    I assumed you were using Amarok 1.4.1, if so check your speaker arrangement in Amarok under settings/engines then set the speaker arrangement to your taste.
                    I discovered mine was set for stereo 2.0, I have stereo 2.1 everything sounds better now.


                      Re: Amarok Sound issues

                      all sound quality comming out of the speakers is bad, ive used every mp3 player on the system now and quality for even sound effects is horrid


                        Re: Amarok Sound issues

                        Okay in Amarok I noticed if you enable the equaliser, but do not raise the preamp slider to the top you get a noticable drop in volume.
                        Also I have found some reference to the mixer settings affecting the sound quality, try adjusting the settings in "kmix" from the taskbar.


                          Re: Amarok Sound issues

                          I know with Amarok you have a choice of the Xine or Gstreamer engines, is there a way to get a list of package relationships on screen, (besides looking in Adept, ......command line?), that we could take a screenshot of and post here for these guys to look through and compare with their installed packages.
                          If we can eliminate package relationships we can look for another cause.

                          I'm using the xine engine and have none of the problems these guys are getting. I haven't tried Gstreamer.

