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How to install Firefox

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    How to install Firefox

    So, finaly, I've got my CD for kubuntu instalation. I install it, but now, I don't know how to install programs (I'm big noob in Linux world). Please, can somebody tell me how to install firefox for example or even Opera. Thanks!

    Re: How to install Firefox

    open adept (K>System>Adept)

    Once adept is running, click on Adept>Manage repositories

    Make sure that all lines in this screen that have an internet address are black, not grey (yo do this by removing the # signs at the beggining of the line, if there is any)

    them find the lines that end with the word universe, and after universe, add the word multiverse

    click on apply, then click on close...

    click on Fetch Updates, it will download some stuff...

    whe it is done (as in, you get back to adept's main screen) type Firefox on the search box...

    the screen will go empty, and start filling up... click on the line that says "firefox", the on the "Request Install" button, then on the "Apply Changes" button... it should start downloading a bunch of stuff, then show you a progress bar of the installation...

    when everything is done you will be taken back to the main screen... close adept, go to K>Internet and firefox should be there... (but with an ugly icon, not it's own icon)

    hope this helps...


      Re: How to install Firefox
      Linux is ready for the desktop--but whose desktop?<br />How to install software in Kubuntu

