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Where is the KDE control center?

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    Where is the KDE control center?

    I see the System setting but it is not the kde control center.
    I also install kdeadmin but there isn't the kde controll center.

    How can I install it?

    Re: Where is the KDE control center?

    Just type 'kcontrol' from the command line. I added a desktop icon for it.


      Re: Where is the KDE control center?

      Well basically System Settings is teh same as KControl (KDE Control Center). It uses the same KControl modules, only they rearranged it and made it look (and behave) like Mac OS X.

      Paul is right, the application name of KDE Control Center is kcontrol, You can either launch it from the command line or from the Run Command box (Alt+F2).
      Jucato's Data Core


        Re: Where is the KDE control center?

        Or you can use the Menu editor to put it back. The icon is at /usr/share/icons/crystalsvg/32x32/apps/kcontrol.png


          Re: Where is the KDE control center?

          Originally posted by volkerbradley
          Or you can use the Menu editor to put it back. The icon is at /usr/share/icons/crystalsvg/32x32/apps/kcontrol.png
          Actually, if you use the Menu Editor to put a KControl Menu entry, you don't have to manually search for the icon. It's already there among the default choices for Application icons.
          Jucato's Data Core

