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Disgusted ex-kubuntu user

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    Disgusted ex-kubuntu user

    I have been a kde fan for 4 years, i began using slackware, then suse, pclinuxos, al until some time i had kubuntu on all my pc
    kubuntu was meant to be the gratest kde based distro, on first relases i wasnt worried about the problems on "my network settings" or the bugy hal system

    I have been using kubuntu from it first relase and i could handle almost all the bugs i found
    but in this last relase it was to much, those bugs im taking about are still present, simplified konkeror sucks (i fixed it to) ond the most hated problem is the msn contact list, my removed contacts still apeard some time later (i reported it 3 mouts ago, and no answer!)

    sometimes the "run as administrator" feature from kcontrol just dont work

    and default gui settings sucks, no one likes the huge task bar

    so i gave a try to ubuntu, and gess what, it dont have so much settings as kubuntu kde, bus it just works, al the default settings just dont suck

    i still cant find any important bug, i have found just one which is not important, and every time im using less kde-qt apps, im only using amarok (i would use "listen" but i have a huge 9000 mp3 collection and mysql databse is important), kaddessbook until i find a better contact list manager, and some times i use k3b, but gnomebaker works fine

    kaffeine is to heavy compared with totem, konqueror renders web pages to slow compared with firefox, and it has the same integration problems as explorer (cant just donwload the pdf, it shows it on the browser), arts is still there and still sucks, i would lakie to see a "light arts option"

    now i have all the pc o on mi home with ubuntu, ant the only resudual kubuntu stuff is the boot screen

    i think kde 4 will be great and greatly buggy, because i still see the bugs and stupid settings from older kde versions, and even now bugs

    and for the end... open office is to heavy, koffice may be good, but it sucks too

    well, even with kde 3.5.0 kde 3.5.1 kde 3.5.2 , and now kde 3.5.3 i still see a lost of bugs

    ubuntu and xubuntu works great, kubuntu.... dont

    Re: Disgusted ex-kubuntu user

    I've been using Kubuntu for quite a while now, and it seems fine. I would agree with you on one thing, though--it's not the greatest KDE-based distro. It's not by a long shot.
    Linux is ready for the desktop--but whose desktop?<br />How to install software in Kubuntu


      Re: Disgusted ex-kubuntu user

      I'm sorry that you had such a nasty experience with Kubuntu.

      For one, Kubuntu was never meant to be the greatest KDE based distro. In fact, it's not even close to being a great KDE distro, for the very plain fact that it wasn't really high on the priority of Ubuntu's development. Kubuntu only came later, more as an afterthought and a community project, and still has a lot of catching up to do. So it's not surprising if people find that Kubuntu is not as "polished" in the KDE area.

      The simplified Konqueror profiles are meant for new users or users who don't want to bother with having to customize things too much. For power users like us, we know more than enough to tweak it to our liking. But being a bit higher on the KDE ladder of knowledge, let us not forget about those who are not as knowledgeable as us.

      I'm not sure about the Kopete problem with MSN accounts, but are you sure that this is a Kubuntu problem, and not a KDE/Kopete problem? It's easy to mix up the two and sometimes blame the distribution, when at times, it's really the software itself that's buggy. Of course, distros can/should check for those kind of errors/bugs, but they could only do as much. I'm not absolving Kubuntu of any fault, I'm just saying that sometimes we are just too quick to point fingers at the nearest target.

      That huge taskbar is actually a default in almost all KDE distros I've seen, even just in screenshots: SUSE, MEPIS, KNOPPIX, PCLinuxOS, Mandriva. The general situation seems to be that GNOME has two small panels, while KDE has 1 panel that's twice the size of one of GNOME's panels.

      Konqueror's "integration" with the KDE desktop is only superficial, unlike Internet Explorer's. You do know that you can easily change Konqueror's default option from "Embedded Viewer" to "Launch application"? If not:
      1. Go to Settings > Configure Konqueror > File Associations and type in the file type you are looking for, let's say pdf. Click on that to highlight it.
      2. In the Embedded Tab, change the left-click opton to "Show file in separate viewer".
      As easy as that. Konqueror is not embedded into the desktop. Konqueror (just like Kontact) is actually just a container, a program that can load/host a couple of separate and independent KParts (parts of KDE programs) into a single window. If you think that's being too integrated, think about this little tidbit from GNOME: Nautilus is essential in drawing/displaying the desktop. That's why Nautilus is loaded at startup (unlike Konqueror). That's why Nautilus runs in the background even if you didn't set it up to do that (unlike Konqueror). That's why when Nautilus freezes/crashes, it takes down the whole desktop with it. I've heard that you could disable Nautilus from being loaded on startup, but the side effect is that you can no longer have icons on your desktop.

      aRts was a mistake that KDE 3 had to live with, and which they are resolving in KDE 4. It's not a Kubuntu thing. It's a KDE issue. Do you think the KDE devs like being stuck to a prehistoric multimedia framework? No they don't. In fact, they hate it. But the fact is, they can't change/remove it without drastically changing everything, and I mean everything. That's why they had to wait for KDE 4 to solve this.

      It's weird that you're still having problems with the Administrator Mode in KControl. AFAIK and based on my experience, that has been fixed as far back as KDE 3.5.1 in Breezy. Based on some posts in the KDE forums, I think that this problem is, again, a KDE-wide one.

      I can't seem to see any more bugs that I've experienced in Breezy (except for Filelight crashing everytime it closes). I guess not everything really works for everyone.

      Anyway, I'm not trying to convince you of anything, just trying to explain the other side of the coin. If you've found a system that works for you, then that's enough for me. Having a great time with your system is more important than whether you are using KDE or GNOME, or Ubuntu or some other distro.
      Jucato&#39;s Data Core


        Re: Disgusted ex-kubuntu user

        i know all that, but i got tired of kde because al those problems


          Re: Disgusted ex-kubuntu user

          I've had the same problem with Filelight but live with it. As for the other, I had those problems, but after several updates those seem to have disappeared. I agree with the part about having fun with your system. Ubuntu never set well with me and is why I went to Kunbuntu. As you see, I started out with Ubuntu and went to Kubuntu. I had more fun with Kubuntu. Hated GNOME. Can't tell you why. I just hated it. Again it goes to personal preferences and likes. I do like threads like this. I like reading what others think and why. I also like that no one in this thread bashed another for his thoughts. Another reason I went over to Kubuntu, I saw less of that than what I saw at Ubuntu. I'm currently downloading Ubuntu. Going to start "playing" with it again.

