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How to change environment variable KDEROOTHOME

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    How to change environment variable KDEROOTHOME


    I'm testing Kubuntu, and am logging in as root under Kubuntu (being aware of all the risks!). The annoying thing is, that KDE seems to read its theme settings from folders directly under /root, whereas it writes them to folders under /root/.kde. For as far as I have been able to figure out, this is due to the fact that Kubuntu sets the environment variable KDEROOTHOME to /root rather than to the default, /root/.kde. I did a search for KDEROOTHOME, but could not find anything useful.

    I have tried to export KDEROOTHOME with value /root/.kde in /etc/init.d/kdm, but this appears not to work.

    Can anyone tell me:

    (1) where KDEROOTHOME is set in Kubuntu Dapper Drake? I hope it is not hard-coded somewhere ...
    (2) where I should set KDEROOTHOME so that it overrides Kubuntu's value?

    Thanks in advance for your help

    Best regards,


    Re: How to change environment variable KDEROOTHOME

    I'm not a KDE programmer/dev, so I don't know anything about KDEROOTHOME, but I did find this bug report in I think it might be what you're looking for?

    (Are you Boudewijn Rempt of KDE's Krita?)
    Jucato's Data Core


      Re: How to change environment variable KDEROOTHOME

      Hi Jucato,

      Thanks for the link, the patch they propose (i.e. the addition of the line:

      [ -z "$KDEROOTHOME" -a "$UID" == "0" ] && export KDEROOTHOME=$kdehome

      (so without the '+' at the beginning) just after the line:

      test -n "$KDEHOME" && kdehome=`echo "$KDEHOME"|sed "s,^~/,$HOME/,"`

      ) fixes the problem almost. I say almost, since the directory share/config continues to be created under /root.

      Does anyone know of a fix to solve this last, minor point?

      Best regards,


      P.S. No, I'm not Boudewijn Rempt of KDEś Krita, sorry ;o)

