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No kview in Dapper?

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    No kview in Dapper?

    OK. What the heck happened to Kview I recently reinstalled my OS and am running Dapper 6.06 and it's not there. Not in Adept or apt-get either. This website:

    says it's part of the KDE Graphics package which I have installed but it doesn't appear to be part of Kubuntu's KDE Graphics package ....

    Any idea where I can get it?


    Re: No kview in Dapper?

    KView is in the universe component of the dapper repositories, so you have to enable that in your repositories.

    KView may be part of the default KDE graphics package (kdegraphics), but not part of the default Kubuntu package. Distros usually don't just install default KDE packages, because most of the have duplicate stuff, so they just pick and choose what they want. I guess the reason why Kubuntu decided not to include KView and some other kdegraphics apps because GwenView and Krita are installed by default.

    Hope that clears up some things.

    EDIT: by the way, did you know that you could also convert images (at least some image types) using the right-click service/context menu in Konqueror? Right-click on an image file (JPG, PNG, GIF) and choose Actions > Convert To.

    GwenView also has the feature to save your image as a different file type.
    Jucato's Data Core


      Re: No kview in Dapper?

      Thank you for that explanation. I enabled Universe in the repositories and BINGO! there it was!

      The reason I need Kview is for rotating pictures. It seems to be the only app. I've found that when rotating, doesn't leave a thin strip along one edge of the pic of the opposite edge. If you don't know what I mean, I can attach examples. All other apps. that I've used to try rotating with the exception of Kview leave this strip (Gwenview, gThumb, rotating within Konqueror itself, etc.).

      So yes, while the other apps can do many of the same things Kview does, the one thing I really need it for is rotating pics without leaving the unsightly strip. Have I found a bug or am I the only one having this problem

      Thanks again!


        Re: No kview in Dapper?

        I'm glad you found what you were looking for.

        Have you tried doing rotation in Krita? I have tried rotating pictures, even using Konqueror's service menu. I haven't yet encountered any thin line on any side/edge. But maybe that's just me.

        Anyway, as long as you have something that works for you, that's ok. You don't have to stick with the defaults.
        Jucato's Data Core


          Re: No kview in Dapper?

          I just tried Krita. The image comes up already rotated and I saved it and there was no thin strip. However, Krita (a MS Paint type program with more features?) lacks the ability to view multiple pictures at a time like Kview so when I'm rotating many pics, Kview makes it quite simple.

          I don't know what the heck is going on with Gwenview, gThumb, etc. when rotating but it's quite annoying! I'd like to use gThumb for everything but it just doesn't seem to work for rotating. And this is not a new thing. I've had the problem since at least last November (long before Dapper).

          Thanks again for the tips!


            Re: No kview in Dapper?

            Yes, Krita isn't a true MDI (multiple document interface) program, unlike GIMP. Krita goes beyond the MS Paint style. It's an Image Manipulator + Painting (as in real painting) app.

            Anyway, you can stick to KView if you want to. It's the great thing about Linux. No one is going to force you to use a certain app.

            Have fun!
            Jucato's Data Core


              Re: No kview in Dapper?

              No doubt! It's one of the reasons I love Linux! I will probably continue to use KView since it works for me ... But I'm still puzzled why the thin strip. As I mentioned, I prefer to use one program to do it all and gThumb comes pretty close. I like Gwenview too but I have the thin strip problem with that one as well. Perhaps when I get a spare minute, I'll report it as a bug somewhere and see if the program's author can prove me otherwise.

