I hope some of you can help me, for no obbbbbbbbvious reason at all and at seemingly random times and with different keys and differeeeeeeeeent programs i get repeating letters (any key really), its not my keyboard and im not hoooooooolding the key too long, I even did a clean reinstall of kubuntu yesterday to try and fix it and it worked great aaaaaaaaall day yesterday and today until I turned it back on 20 minutes ago.
so I was wondering if anyone elssssssse had ever had this problem and/or how to fix it, its getting very annoying backspacing every 5 words or so, I have left all the mistakes in thissssssss post so you have an idea of exactly what isssssssss happening
Thanks alot for all your help
so I was wondering if anyone elssssssse had ever had this problem and/or how to fix it, its getting very annoying backspacing every 5 words or so, I have left all the mistakes in thissssssss post so you have an idea of exactly what isssssssss happening
Thanks alot for all your help
