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installing a package in a local folder

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    installing a package in a local folder

    I remember that by right clicking I could have konqueror install a deb that I just downloaded. For some reason I cannot do this anymore. Somehow that option is not available anymore on the right-click menu. How could I get it back?

    Is there another way to install a downloaded file eg: a package in a local directory?


    Re: installing a package in a local folder

    I always download to Desktop and right-click it from there.  Never had any trouble installing packages from the Desktop folder.


      Re: installing a package in a local folder

      just tried that .. the same situation. right click does not brng the install option anymore.
      I am attaching a snapshot of the right click menu
      Attached Files


        Re: installing a package in a local folder

        Strange, I have not had this problem, even on a fresh install of Kubuntu Dapper.

        What version of KDE are you using? I'm using KDE 3.5.3.

        Also, try using the "Kubuntu File Manager" profile and see if it's also missing the service menu.
        Jucato's Data Core


          Re: installing a package in a local folder

          It worked ok when I first installed Dapper. I just noticed recently that the option had disappeared. I use KDE 3.5.3. I pretty much did all upgrades that I was able to find info around the community.
          Here is my sources.list:
          deb stable non-free
          deb dapper main
          deb dapper main
          deb dapper main
          # Ubuntu supported packages (packages, GPG key: 437D05B5)
          deb dapper main restricted universe multiverse
          deb dapper-updates main restricted universe multiverse
          deb dapper-security main restricted universe multiverse
          deb dapper-backports main restricted universe multiverse
          deb dapper-proposed main restricted universe multiverse
          # Seveas' packages (packages, GPG key: 1135D466)
          deb dapper-seveas all
          # Cipherfunk multimedia packages (packages, GPG key: 33BAC1B3)
          deb dapper main
          # Penguin Liberation Front (packages)
          deb dapper free non-free
          # Bleeding edge wine packages (packages)
          deb dapper main
          # The Opera browser (packages)
          deb etch non-free
          # Bazaar-NG development (packages, GPG key: 1F44842D)
          deb ./

          I did some "thinking' in the meantime and the only thing that I did to Konqueror was to change it back to KDE profiles as specified in the FAQ on the main Kubuntu site:

          This may have caused this. I did howeverreinstall konqueror and the layout went back to the original Kubuntu look but the install menu is still not there so I don't know if this is really the cause.
          All I can do now is to reinstall the whole thing again but I am not crazy about the idea and I was wondering if anyone knew how to bring the feature back.


            Re: installing a package in a local folder

            Surely there's an option somewhere to modify the Desktop right-click popup menu. But I don't know where it is...


              Re: installing a package in a local folder

              I will install another Dapper in a separate test partition and re-do all steps I did in this installation (I keep a log of the sequence) and see at which point this gets messed-up. I start to think less-and-less of that KDE original profile to be the cause. But who knows. Would be good to find the cause whether it's a bug or something people should watch for...


                Re: installing a package in a local folder

                I'm not sure if this would be a solution, but...

                try to check /usr/share/kubuntu-default-settings/kde-profile/default/share/apps/konqueror/servicemenus if there's an entry called kubuntu-servicemenu.desktop. It's a .desktop file that contains the definition for the "Kubuntu Package Menu" service menu. If it's there, but still no service menu, try copying that .desktop file to /home/jucato/.kde/share/apps/konqueror/servicemenus

                If there's no file like that, try making one. Fire up Kate, and put the following contents:
                [Desktop Entry]
                Name=Kubuntu Package Menu
                Comment=kde service menu for managing kubuntu/debian packages
                X-KDE-Submenu=Kubuntu Package Menu

                [Desktop Action install]
                Name=Install Package
                Exec=xterm -title "%c" -e 'sudo dpkg -i %U; echo "Press <enter> to exit..."; read;'

                [Desktop Action uninstall]
                Name=Uninstall Package
                Exec=xterm -title "%c" -e 'sudo dpkg -P `echo %n | cut -d_ -f1`; echo "Press <enter> to exit..."; read;'

                [Desktop Action info]
                Name=Show Package Info
                Exec=/usr/bin/ info %u
                Save the file as "kubuntu-servicemenu.desktop"

                Hope that little workaround works.
                Jucato&#39;s Data Core


                  Re: installing a package in a local folder

                  Bingo! Right-on!

                  the only thing I did differently was that I put the file in /usr/share/apps/konqueror/servicemenus since this is also where the Konqueror.rc is. I would assume that this way the menu is made available to all users. (not that I have more but still. In your solution it would make it available only to user Jucato right?

                  So the problem was indeed that I had changed the profile settings as instructed in the FAQ section. That section basically tell you to remove the entire Konqueror directory from:

                  and this directory also includes the servicemenus.

                  Are there other .desktop files I may have removed? If yes, could you e-mail them to me at ?

                  The entry from the FAQ should warn the user about this issue. Or it should delete only the Konqueror.rc file, in other words the line should read:
                  sudo rm /usr/share/kubuntu-default-settings/kde-profile/default/share/apps/konqueror/konqueror.rc
                  Attached Files


                    Re: installing a package in a local folder

                    That indeed is handy information for those of us who have changed back to the default konqueror profiles.

                    Personally all I did was install gdebi, but that doesn't always work because of the sudo / gksu / kdesu bug. Perhaps it isn't a bug, I didn't check thorouly but if I do something in the terminal with sudo, then kdesu doesn't work, but sudo still does. I know it has something to do with the security locks, but how to fix it

                    Anyway. I wanted to point out to you that your repository for the PLF doesn't exist. I checked the site today and there is no ubuntu directory. So your entry:
                    # Penguin Liberation Front (packages)
                    deb [url][/url] dapper free non-free
                    is invalid.


                    Index of
                    Up to higher level directory
                    File: MD5SUM 04/02/2006 05:11:00 PM
                    Directory: mandrake 01/27/2006 12:53:00 PM
                    Directory: mandriva 06/23/2006 10:53:00 AM

                    I have no idea why.


                      Re: installing a package in a local folder

                      Yes PLF and Cipherfunk and Seveas are returning an error on download. I will have to disable them. It is a surce-o-matic generated list. I just left them there in the hope that the server may be down or something and one day they will work.

                      I do prefer the original menus from Konqueror but goes without saying that I would have liked to keep the kubuntu servicemenu items. The FAQ should be more specific in this matter.

                      I will make a point in my installation log to verify what is in that directory before making those changes or even better to just rename the directory instread of removing it.

                      By-the-way. Instead of all those command line instrucions I fond easier to create a File Manager Super user mode. Got this idea from SUSE. This way all those changes and renaming of files that require root access can be doe painlessly in GUI mode.

                      Just choose K-Menu Editor and create a new item called File Manager Superuser then check the "run as different user" box and put in Command:
                      kfmclient openProfile filemanagement
                      Then, "apply"
                      Attached Files


                        Re: installing a package in a local folder

                        There's nothing wrong with using Konqueror or the GUI to follow the FAQs. you can just type kdesu konqueror in the Run command box (Alt+F2) to launch Konqueror as root. Or you could create a K Menu entry for Konqueror (root) with a command like "kdesu konqueror --profile myprofile".

                        The main reasons why most people prefer to give command line instructions would be:
                        1. easier to give instructions, typing 3 lines vs. typing 10 steps. I usually give instructions on how to do things both in CLI and GUI, so I should know how easier it is.
                        2. easier to follow, copy-paste-enter is definitely easier than click-click-click-drag-click.
                        3. sudo security reasons. Once you're done with a line of sudo, you're done with root privileges. But when you launch Konqueror as root, it's easy to forget that you're running it as root, unless of course you're using a completely different color scheme for root (which is what I do).
                        Jucato&#39;s Data Core


                          Re: installing a package in a local folder

                          Originally posted by Jucato
                          Or you could create a K Menu entry for Konqueror (root) with a command like "kdesu konqueror --profile myprofile".
                          Doesn't work....I get invalid option --profile. I guess it considers it an option for kdesu. I don't know how to do it this way. My way works....


                            Re: installing a package in a local folder

                            My bad. it was supposed to be
                            kdesu 'konqueror --profile filemanagement'
                            You're way is actually a sort of shortcut way of doing my way.

                            Btw, I just realized that you can't just use any profile (whether using your way or mine). The profile must be present in /usr/share/apps/konqueror/profiles.
                            Jucato&#39;s Data Core


                              Re: installing a package in a local folder

                              yep this works,

                              I do have 2 profiles in that dir filemanagement and webbrowsing. Makes sense.

                              Thanks a lot for all the help.

